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Excellent Way to Get It Into My System
Citation:   Generic. "Excellent Way to Get It Into My System: An Experience with Caffeine (exp51047)". Mar 20, 2018.

  repeated insufflated Caffeine (powder / crystals)
Insufflating Caffeine

I often find it necessary or useful, for the purpose of getting my schedule back in line with the rest of the world's (I am currently homeschooled and my schedule drifts widely) to pull an all-nighter. As I live with my parents and do not attend school I don't have access to any drugs; the only substance I use is caffeine, although even this I use only once a week or less. I typically would take 2 caffeine pills to pull an all nighter, about 4 hours apart, however, I saw on eBay an auction for pure caffiene powder and jumped on it, thinking I would prefer to drink it, since I'm not good at taking pills.

In short I was wrong, the powder tastes horrible and minute amounts make most any drink disgusting, I am only able to get about 100 mg/cup before it's undrinkable.

I have a scale and I measured the powdered caffeine out into 500 mg lots. I needed a way to get the caffeine in my system that did not involve it getting anywhere near my tongue. I had experimented with insufflating crushed pills but now I use only powdered caffeine because the pills are not very pure, and lots must be snorted to get a good dose. I finally started snorting significant amounts of pure caffeine earlier this week, and this is the first time I'm doing an all-nighter on powder alone.

Until midnight I did not feel any effects; around 11:30 I stepped up my intake, fearing I would grow tired, I probably consumed 150 mg in the half hour before midnight. I got an awful drip (caffeine is incredibly bitter) but some water was able to deal with it. I felt slightly nauseous, I beleive soley due to the taste; this was completely mangeable and bearable and it w was gone by 1 AM anyway.

For the next few hours, I was productive, having largely gotten over the overdose effects and I remained alert while not being so alert as to be distracted. I continued to do a small line every few hours until about noon the next day; I was able to stay awake until midnight easily, although the effect had worn off enough for me to sleep by nine or so.

In short, insufflation proved to be an excellent way to get the caffeine into my system. I took a total of 500 milligrams, over 14-16 hours. For pulling an all-nighter, I find that the best dose is 50-100 mg an hour during the hours I would normally be asleep, then a line whenever I start feeling tired the next day. I returned to a normal schedule after 10 hours of sleep the next day, although I felt so rested I'm sure I could have gotten away with 8.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51047
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 20, 2018Views: 3,334
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