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Peak of My Life
Citation:   Pink Tool. "Peak of My Life: An Experience with LSD (exp51225)". Sep 3, 2017.

3 hits sublingual LSD (gel tab)
This was my first real experience with LSD. I acquired a strip of geltabs from a strange man I came across. I have had much experience tripping with Dxm, Mushrooms, Salvia, Ketamine, Morphine etc... I knew that I was mentally prepared for whatever may come during this experience.

It was about 11 p.m. on a saturday night, I had just finished a long work week and had the next day with no responsibilities. I broke 3 pieces off the strip and put them on my toungue until they dissolved. About an hour later I joined my crew. They were all excited about going on a journey.

I started tripping around 12 a.m. I couldn't stop petting this dog that had a mane and resembled a lion. The next thing I knew we were following these strange people we met to a place they called the 'Land of Moses'.

We arrived at the Land of Moses around 2 a.m. It turned out to be a graveyard in the middle of Nowhere Indiana. By now I was tripping very intensely. There was a strange woman guiding us the whole way. Her name was Carrie. We walked throughout the graveyard and made it to a giant statue of a man holding a sword. Carrie spoke of the Statue never facing the same direction. We watched as the lights around it flickered violently. Some sort of electrical Fury. I could feel an intense energy that defied any other trip I'd ever had. Soon Carrie's stories had my girlfriend so scared that she was in tears. The look in Carrie's eyes was so mesmerizing. She looked like she was on LSD as well, but I knew that she was not. She spoke of possessions and figures in the graveyard. Several of the people with us saw something walking in the distance and became frightened. The energy was so strong.

The next thing I saw was the peak of my life. A dream I had previously had kept flashing through my mind. Deja Vu was so strong. I grabbed my girl and held her as close as I could and felt her heart touch mine. At that very moment and train ran by less then 30 yards away from us. It was so bright and loud. I knew that this was the highest peak I'd ever reached. Complete chaos. The train was running by, so bright. Every star in the sky swirling, tree branches moving like life-like limbs. Utter insanity. I cannot describe my emotion.

Soon the train passed and Carrie led us to a bridge. We parked on it, and I realized that it was 3 a.m. There were 3 cars parked here, each containing 3 people. Carrie spoke of 3 being the death hour. This did not frighten me. I felt like something had just been tapped into. Some kind of peak that's so hard to explain.

Minutes passed and Carrie parted ways with us, She gave us directions back to old Fort Wayne (home), and we were on our way. I spent the rest of the trip in complete awe, just absorbing the memory of that moment when the train ran by. This was definitely the highest experience of my life.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51225
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 3, 2017Views: 1,102
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LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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