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Induced Depression
Citation:   Peter78. "Induced Depression: An Experience with Valerian (exp51238)". May 28, 2006.

3.6 mg oral Valerian (daily)
At first the valerian appeared to relax and calm me, taking 2 tablets night and day. I was taking it for generalized anxiety disorder. However, within a week I felt sleepy and groggy. I thought those symptoms would go awawy, which they did, but after another week I became extremely depressed, nervous, vague and foggy. I have stopped taking the Valerian for 24 hours so far but I still feel very bad. Hopefully this will remit soon.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51238
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 28, 2006Views: 16,506
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Valerian (48) : Depression (15), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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