Shakey Start Ends in Beautiful Night
Morning Glory
Citation:   GreenJam. "Shakey Start Ends in Beautiful Night: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp51267)". Sep 21, 2020.

250 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
So I got some MG seeds off the net and decided to try them one Saturday. 'BEN' dropped n by and we both munched about 250 seeds each about 10pm

. Ben had been drinking already (beer), I had not. We chewed up the seeds about 50 at a time held in our mouth for about 2 mins per portion. We then sat around waiting for it to kick in. After 15 mins'BEN' says he can feel it working but he's a compulsive bulshiting liar and exagerates highs all the time' so I'll only tell you about my time.

After 40 /50 mins we decide to go down to the mainstreet and see whats up. No effect so far for me 'BEN' says its really comming on fast for him(Take it as read that he says this sort of shit throught the nigh) We walk slowly down to the town and I'm not feeling anything. So satuuday night is in full swing when we get there, we've no money so we can't go to a bar or club(which I'll be glad of later.) We wander up and down and about 1hr 1/2 in I start to feel queezy. I don't like all the movement and noise and lights. I need to sit down and I need quiet. So I decide to turn off mainstreet to a quieter road. This is much better but ben is lagging behind talking to strangers telling them he's on LSA (THE FOOL!!!) I'm looking at an old building and running a nice mind movie. There is a lovely iridescent glow coming from the window into a pitch dark courtyard. I relize the trip has begun. I'm staring at this scene and feeling good till Ben catches up and starts talking about some crap or other and breaks my daze. He also throws a ciggy butt on the ground right beside a trash can which pisses me off. This guy is killing my buzz. So about 3 hours in and the night seems ALIVE the trees look great and even ben's non stop chatter isn't bothering me so much. I stop to look at a snail making its way across a low wall. It's fascinating, the trail it leaves behind is lovely. So we decide to walk on I'm feeling light and happy but I'm also wondering how I get rid of ben later on. We get to my place and I go in to get smokes ben walks on to the gas station. I get a bit of a shock when the lights hit me. They seem harsh and to bright and I get a little uncomfortable inside. I look at my eyes before I go and my pupils are pretty huge, I have a bit of a giggle over this and head out. This takes us about 4hrs onto the trip and I'm feeling goood! Up and happy is how iI feel. So ben is talking to 2 more complete strangers about the lsa we are on (WTF?!) They're cool neo hippies so its no probs. They ask do we want to share a toke and we readily accept.

Let me just pause here and tell you that MG seeds take forever to fully kick in and the full experience is coming soon.

So we sit behind an old Church and toke up.The weed hits fast and good I look up at a tree and it looks like a monster hulking over a smaller monster. Not in a bad trip sort of way but like those silloette face's that turn into a vase. I point this out but no-one else can see it, I still think its cool. (I've gone back to this place sober and couldn't see it again , wierd. Long story shorter to get to the good part. The hippies gave us some weed for some seeds they went off and me and ben parted company. I go home and skin up a joint and smoke it, I skin up another one and smoke half. I go to the jon to pee, and suddenly BANG! I'm peeing and staring at the wall when I relize the wall is moving, not in a breathy shroom way but spinning geometric shapes. And I think COOL! Its finally kicked in after 6 hours. I sit on the couch and just stare at the wall trying to devine meaning from the shape moving thru the wall. Nothing came to me so I just enjoyed the show which lasted abour 2 1/2 hrs. The come down was gentle and I got to sleep about 9am Sunday morning. Still admiring the striped wall paper. I fell into a dreamy sleep with nice dreams about nothing in particular.

Woke up feeling fresh and happy at about 3pm Sunday afternoon.

This was one of the nicest trips I've ever had when it finally kicked in.

Stay safe and peacefull
GreenJam. ;-)

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 51267
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 21, 2020Views: 526
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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