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Enlightning Experience of Terror
Salvia divinorum (5X Extract)
Citation:   Pigeon. "Enlightning Experience of Terror: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (5X Extract) (exp51323)". Jul 15, 2018.

  repeated smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
I turned off the lights and turned on my dimmed and colored spotlights. One was blue and the other one was red.
In search for a good and relaxing music, I found Drone Zone in iTunes list of radio channels.

I stuffed the pipe full of Salvia extract and put it on the table. My friend wished me good luck in the chat window and I turned off my computer screen. Excitement was in the air. I was nervous.

Sitting down in my bed I began to prepare myself mentally for what was about to come. I breathed in... and out... My nervousness slowly faded.

As I put the pipe to my mouth and lit the match, my nervousness came back to me like a punch in the face, but there was no turning back. I inhaled the hot smoke and, as I had predicted, it was awful. I was not able to hold the smoke in so I coughed and immediately took a couple of more hits...

It was like running my head into a brick wall. In no more than 15 seconds from my first hit, the trip was all over me. I was completely gone. Completeley.

I dropped the pipe onto my table as I watched how the whole world began to fall into pieces. I panicked. Looking at my computer I thought; 'What about my friends?', 'What about dad?'.

Still in a panicked state, I ran to the door of my room. The whole world was being erased, what should I do?
Luckily I was still conscious enough not to wake up my dad talking about the end of the world. As a precaution I had also locked myself in, but I wasn't far from waking my whole family up at this point.

I walked back into my room and what I saw and felt chocked me. My room was falling apart. Half of it was already gone.
My feelings at this point were stronger than my sight. I could feel it and it was so real.

I somehow regained my consciousness and was able to take another hit of Salvia. It wasn't necessary and it wasn't logic, but I did it.

Both mentally and physically unable to smoke any more, I dropped my pipe on the table and threw my body down on my bed. I lost focus of my own world. My own dimension.

Other dimensions appeared in front of me. I had particular focus on one dimension in which I seemed to be the ground. People were walking on me with carriages as in a 16th century marketplace. I could not clearly see this, but I felt it. In my mind it was real.

If I concentrated hard, I could see my own room and I knew the other dimensions was effects of the drug. Looking at the watch I put my hands on my head and prayed that time would go faster. I kept falling back to the visions of other dimensions even though I didn't want to be there. It was horrible.
Looking at the watch I put my hands on my head and prayed that time would go faster. I kept falling back to the visions of other dimensions even though I didn't want to be there. It was horrible.

Slowly the effects of the drug began lighten. I was lying in my bed for about 5 minutes before I got up and walked to my computer. Balance wasn't the best but I managed easily. I started telling my friends about the experience and in 10 minutes or so, I was sober.

This was the single most frightening experience of my life. It was 10-15 minutes of abolute torror but I don't regret it. Salvia showed me how it would feel to lose everything I have as I watched my world, my dimension, fall apart. It gave me more than any other drug I have ever used, and I am truly thankful for it.

Salvia deserves more. It demands more.
It demands respect.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51323
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 15, 2018Views: 974
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Alone (16)

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