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Vomiting Rainbows
Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis
Citation:   Zaanpedro. "Vomiting Rainbows: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis (exp51399)". May 30, 2008.

950 ml oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Five feet of cactus was prepared by cutting out the core and disposing of it and then grinding it in a little water. This was then frozen for a day or so. Then we defrosted the ground pulp and added about an equal volume of water. Using a candy thermometer we simmered this mixture for about 30 hours keeping the temperature under 180 F at all times. We then filtered with a wet t-shirt which left us with about 2700 ml of green liquid which we split between two people.

The taste of course was fucking terrible. I heard somewhere if you mix this shit with cilantro it will make it taste better. We obtained some and proceeded to drink, chugging the liquid after chewing on a fat clump of cilantro and after chugging chewing on a big lemon. This actually helped a lot and made the tea taste salty instead of bitter strangely enough. My buddy A finished his huge glass containing 625 ml very quickly. I drank slower and about halfway through I gagged and puked a little into a bucket I had by my side just in case. After that A said to me “Now you’re gonna have to eat that back up again.” This thought so disgusted me that I began to vomit even more and more until my stomach was empty. That rat bastard, I thought, wasting my mescaline and making me puke.

I finished my cup and drank more. About twenty minutes later I started vomiting violently. At this point I was not thinking clearly and I left my puke bucket in the bathroom. I missed the sink and puked all over the bathroom. Now I felt like I was tripping even though I had puked up everything in my stomach! As I was cleaning up my puke I noticed a fat rainbow on the ground and everything began to shift and move about. I went back to the kitchen and drank another 300 ml of liquid or so. This I managed to keep down.

We started off for the beach which is a short walk at the end of my street. My buddy A said that he was seeing rainbows now but I wasn’t that far along because I couldn’t keep all my liquid down. About 30 min after getting to the beach I was seeing rainbows everywhere, especially in the sky. This made me immensely happy. This is where shit started to get really weird. I would stare up at the sky and watch all the clouds move about and do crazy shit. I closed my eyes and saw the most intense colors I have ever seen. My field of vision instantly exploded into a deep red. I called this place the “red room”. I started to see stereotypically psychedelic patterns behind my eyes with the greatest of detail, with all sorts of colors now coming out from the red background behind my eyes. Then these patterns started changing into crazy spirals that kept rotating around and around that looked like DNA or something.

Opening my eyes I realized that I felt pretty amped and my heart was beating kinda fast. I just stayed there all day at the beach tripping and having the best time of my life. The most remarkable thing about this drug I think is the ability for the user to zone out and have the entire world change into something completely different. While staring at the sky and practicing breathing exercises, I became transported into another world! The clouds in the sky all disappeared and I started looking THROUGH the clouds! Behind the clouds I saw a rainbow structure in the sky, with the rainbow affixed to the back of the sky with some concrete looking thing. Then I saw these laser triangular multicolored things that started shooting rainbow beams throughout the sky. While still performing breathing exercises, I started to see behind the sky now even deeper and farther out than behind the clouds. This is when the sky started to alternately collapse on my head and then stretch out into infinity. Behind the sky I saw everything in my vision flicker like a multicolored strobe light. The rest of what I saw cannot be put into words.

This was probably the most shit I’ve seen on anything yet, but yet I felt pretty comfortable just chilling at this crowed beach with all kinds of people around. There was a huge wedding going on and the bride and groom pranced around in front of us with their goddamn photographer taking pictures of their special day with us smoking bowls in the background. With a comparable amount of any other psychedelic I probably would have felt pretty uncomfortable and paranoid with all the people around. But, I wasn’t even that worried about it and I felt surprisingly relaxed even when the lifeguard/beach patrol motherfuckers came around. I almost wanted them to come up and say hello.

Anyways this was the best drug experience of my life. I have experimented with San Pedro many times with varying results this outing being the most successful by far. The experience lasted a good 14 hours or so and the nausea subsided in the couple hours or so. I highly recommend this substance although I truly believe that this drug should only be used for serious self-exploration and healing. This drug comes in fat WAVES. These can be induced by shutting the fuck up and breathing while staring or whatever and just generally trying to zone out or meditate.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51399
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 30, 2008Views: 6,857
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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