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Woke Up Having Pissed The Bed
Citation:   xdumplingx. "Woke Up Having Pissed The Bed: An Experience with Clonazepam (exp51504)". Jan 21, 2018.

3 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
After a long day of snowboarding in Boone, I returned to Matthews, North Carolina. I went to my friend's house. (I will call him 'J') Trying to find a cup of water, I stumbled into the medicine cabinet. Snooping through like a nosey motherfucker, I found a generic vial of Klonopins. Tired and burned-out, I was looking to alter my mind.

(T 0:00)
I bought three pills and downed them with a cup of coffee. Me, R, and J went to go see 'THE HILLS HAVE EYES'

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
(T 0:15)
While driving, my body started to relax. My joints felt loose, as if I was made from rubber and my head
My joints felt loose, as if I was made from rubber and my head
My inhibitions let lose and I made various comments on the way specific people acted. Some comments were basic, some vulgar, some funny. I felt very relaxed. Specifically, I remember yelling,'Fuck Bobby Brown,' to an old man. I would usually not do that.

(T 0:30)
Me, R, and J snuck into the movie. I felt very awake compared to how tired I was earlier. Once I walked into the theater, I forthrightly yearned to laugh in everyone's face. Not out of humor, just because I felt like I wanted to. We sat down and I received numerous 'complaints' for being noisy and inappropriate. R and J were telling me to be quiet too. I honestly thought my voice volume was acceptable...guess not.

(T 0:45)
An advertisement was displayed on the screen. The trippiest visual of the entire night (due to I passed out in the opening credits). The Klonopins obviously added some 3-d effect to the advertisement but the visual left me in a trance. Purple, diagonal patterns waved in a 3-d motion.

(T 0:50)

(T 12:00)
Woke up the next morning in my room. I did not remember how I got home or if I was dreaming. To make matters worse, I had fucking pissed the bed.

I talked to R and J about what happened that morning. R said that he woke up in the same situation as me-without the urination. Overall, J took both me and Ross home. From J's perspective, me and R were knocked out. We could not walk, talk or even mumble. Falling was our only ability.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51504
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 21, 2018Views: 1,632
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : Various (28), General (1)

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