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Nicely Mellowed
Kratom (15X Extract)
Citation:   mrcupsman. "Nicely Mellowed: An Experience with Kratom (15X Extract) (exp51515)". Apr 11, 2018.

1 g oral Kratom (tea)
Got my package in the mail this morning and decided id check out the Kratom first.

I boiled the kettle and filled up a half pint sized glass then added 1g of Kratom 15x as specified by the vender for a medium dose. I gave it a good stir it didnt disolve all too well so I gave it a quick stir before every gulp. The taste for me was not all that bad similar to regular strong black tea which I drink anyway (possibly an aquired taste).

I drank down the brew over a period of about 3 minutes.
I sat comfortably on my bed and waited for the effects to begin.
After about 10 minutes I began to feel more relaxed and more positive while still having energy. After about another 10 minutes or so my mind felt more open and thoughts flowed more clearly and I could slightly feel my face muscles relax.

I found the experience rather mild but enjoyable next time I will try 1.5g

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51515
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 11, 2018Views: 847
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