Stuck In a Sound
Citation:   Rexxy. "Stuck In a Sound: An Experience with 2C-I (exp51528)". Apr 16, 2006.

20 mg oral 2C-I (gel tab)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
The few days before this trip had I had been drinking heavily and had dropped MDMA roughly 24 hours before the start of this trip. I was feeling very happy but a bit tired during the morning before dosing 2C-I..

I tripped along side 3 other people, one of which has been a trip partner of mine for a year or so and the other 2 I had met in person for the first time that day.

Through out the trip I smoked pot around 10 times.

+0:00 | Ingested 20mg of 2C-I via a gel cap. We decided it would be a good idea to head down to the pub 5 minutes walk down the road for a pint or two while we waited for the come up.

+1:00 | After spending a hour at the pub we made our way back to the house, so far I am feeling nothing what so ever. The others in the group noticed a very weird feeling in their perception.

+1:30 | My first visuals come on, a slight blue and purple outline is around the edge of everything I see, and so far my headspace still feels the same. I seem to have more energy than I did earlier that day.

+1:45 | Visuals seem to be coming on very fast, the plants outside seem totally alive with colour and patterns in the carpet seem to stand out much more than before. My thinking patterns have changed and I am not forgetting what happened just moments before, conversation seems more interesting and meaningful, but I am finding it harder to talk to everyone.

+2:00 | My visuals were increasing at a crazy speed, the walls started to breath and than seemed as if they were even turning inside out. Everything started changing through a cycle of colours. Time started to slow down at this point, everyone and everything had slowed down but I seemed to be still thinking at the same speed as before. My hearing had changed to just a loud screech of noises which seemed to represent the song which was playing at the time although I couldn’t understand it.

+2:30 | At this point I was getting higher and higher at a very fast speed, everything started making less and less sense. I sat myself down and chatted to some of my friends on msn, It felt as if I could see them talking to me, It seemed that I was better able to connect to them.

Time was slowing down all the time. It seemed that only my audio was affected by this. Songs playing seemed to stay on the one note for minutes before changing, everything louder and sharper than before. I was able to pick up on very quiet sounds around the room, someone picking up a glass or tapping their finger on a table I was able to hear it with upmost clarity.

Everything felt sharp and uncomfortable to touch. I had to take my watch and glasses off at this point as they were unbearable to continue to wear. My vision was very cloudy with patterns spilling out from the corners of my slight.

+3:00 | Things started to get difficult for me, I was having trouble understanding what was going on and become very worried and unsure about 2C-I being a smart idea.

I was stuck within a moment of time, with a fraction of a note of music playing continually in my mind. It seemed to go forever, I could see everyone moving around the room at normal speed, people would say something and I could see their lips move but couldn’t hear their voices until minutes later in a stretched out manner.

I was flying though loops in my mind which were very strange and scary, my mind was telling me that I was going to die, that I was already dead, that I was no longer real. I was finding it hard to accept this and with each time I rejected it I was thrown back into the loop in my mind. This continued for a long time as I didn’t want to give into this, I didn’t want to be dead.

+4:00 | Still fighting with the idea of being dead I was having a very dark trip. The sun had just started to go down outside and everything looked very dark and dangerous. The sharpness which I felt before had gotten worse, so bad that I found it hard to touch anything. I was having visuals of blades cutting through my hands and arms each time I thought about the uncomfortable feelings.

I finally took the leap and accepted that I was dead. With this I was thrown into a surreal world of colour and feelings, it seemed there was a room with other versions of myself representing different parts of my life. I had no idea who I was or where I was. My vision was filled with different understandings and ideas of time and space. I came in and out of this surreal world over the next hour or so each time forgetting who I was and than realising again.. The notes which were still playing in my mind changed between a few different high pitched noises. Turning my attention to the music I noticed that it was my soul singing a song to me, the noises changed into lyrics of some far off language which I seemed to understand if just for an instance.

Throughout all this I was very unsure and edgy. I have no idea what the others were up to as I seemed to be all alone in my own world.

+7:00 | I was starting to come back down out of the surrealness which had just filled my mind and vision. I had little memory of the past few hours and was only just able to start talking to everyone again. Music slowly managed to come back to normal and I could finally understand sounds and words again which was such a relief. I had a bit of a play on the decks and had a ball making music. I started to feel a whole lot better and happier than I had for the whole trip.

The next few hours we sat around watching surfing and racing, both seemed awesome and the rest of the night was very enjoyable and interesting.

+10:00 | I feel asleep still slightly tripping, I noticed having a very sore back and arms.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51528
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 16, 2006Views: 8,467
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2C-I (172) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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