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Psychotic Break
by K
Citation:   K. "Psychotic Break: An Experience with DXM (exp51611)". Dec 4, 2007.

600 mg oral DXM (capsule)
My husband and a friend took about 600mg of DXM (gelcaps) not too long ago. Our friend had a really rough time for the next few days while my husband was able to go back to work and function pretty normally. Our friend started doing better on the 3rd day and my husband started doing worse. He was talking about synchronicities in everything (excessively), immortality, and wasn't sleeping well. He has done other psychedelics (this was the first DXM experience) before and it has always taken him a day or so to get completely back to normal so this behavior wasn't that weird.

We ended up taking him to the ER on the 3rd night just to make sure everything checked out (it did). The next day he was still acting weird but on the 5th day he was doing really well. I finally felt like he was getting back to normal and for whatever reason this drug just hung around longer than the others he had tried. On the 6th day he started going downhill again. He stripped down naked a few times that night in front of friends (not a normal thing) and went to the store and showed back up at the house about 30 minutes later w/out his car or clothes. It was 20 degrees outside that night.

He ended up going back to the ER on the 7th day and was there most of the day. He ripped his IV out a few times and they ended up admitting him to ICU so they could more closely monitor him. The 8th day was spent in ICU and he was having a good day so he was able to carry on pretty normal conversations with the doctors and nurses. They released him that evening. The next day things were bad again so we ended up going to a behavioral health hospital and they admitted him for 3 days. He is now at the state hospital. These places are not fun, not only does he have to deal with all his own paranoia and delusions, but every other patient's as well. The doctors won't diagnose someone like this with schiz/bi-polar disorder for 6 mos to a year b/c that's how long they say the drug could be having an effect.

He seems to be doing a lot better lately but this whole experience has been extremely scary. You never think this kind of stuff will happen to you. I found out that there is a history of suicide and mental illness in his family that he did not/does not know about. I am almost certain that he never would have dabbled in this kind of stuff if he had known, especially since he researches everything he's ever tried very thoroughly beforehand. I am hopeful in that I have talked to many people that have had a close friend or family member go through something like this and most of them are back to normal and off medication, but you never know. IMO it's not worth it.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51611
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 4, 2007Views: 10,386
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DXM (22) : Hangover / Days After (46), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), Not Applicable (38)

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