Dunes and Rainbows
by Gim
Citation:   Gim. "Dunes and Rainbows: An Experience with LSD (exp51693)". Erowid.org. Jul 15, 2018. erowid.org/exp/51693

5 tablets oral LSD (blotter / tab)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
My friend and I were experienced in taking psychedelics (mushrooms, acid, etc) but decided to really explore the great unknown and take a lot more than we'd previously done.

We decided to go to the tip of Cape Cod, on this fine summer day and with our dual headphones, we'd listen to some psychedelic music on a walkman. Although this town is a haven for people of the gay persuasion, as far as I know we're both straight and went for the natural beauty that is the town's dune -filled Race Point on the ocean.

So, just before we got there by car, we decided to take 5 hits of blotter acid each, which according to descriptions and effects of one to two dose hits, which we'd tried earlier that summer, I'd say these were 80-100 mic tabs (even one hit caused noticible distortions and synthestesia effects and a full 12 hour trip) After only about 15-20 minutes the effects started (that weak, trembling rush) and I noticed that the music from my friends car stereo was dancing off the dunes and clouds aboove as we drove on. A hawk flew by and left an orange, blue, green trail behind as it passed by my field of vision.

We decided we needed to stop the car immediately and find a place to trip in comfort and private. No sooner had we stopped at a parking lot at Race Point, that it seemed we could barely stand. This was going to be strong and having read a lot about this, we knew we must 'run' for cover.

We managed to 'float' down to the bottom of a dune and basically said 'goodbye' to each other, knowing that although we'd be laying just next to each other, that we'd barely be able to communicate. I let out a grunt and waved bye bye.

All of a sudden I looked up between the branches of the tree I was under and all around the branches were electric lines tracing the outline. I started melting into the sand. I still felt weak because I hadn't settled in and closed my eyes. I saw the familiar checkerboard pattern behind closed eyes spiraling down. I gave up to the spiral and followed it down. Although I surely can't recall all my images and feelings, I remember seeing beautifully clear still images of friends and family laughing and loving. I remember chuckling and saying to myself how much I love these people. I distincly remember seeing a stuffed elephant toy from my childhood in beautiful technacolor.

I could hear people playing at the beach up and over the large dune and it was wonderful. I followed the circular sound of a plane flying overhead and followed it for what seemed like eternity till it faded.

After hours and hours (although it seemed like one single moment in time) of taking in this sensory wellspring, we started communicating in 'caveman' It was decided we'd put the Yes album 'Relayer' into the walkmen and donned our headsets. Immediately, upon hearing 'The Gates of Delirium' the trip took on an unbelievable quality full of energy, plays of shapes, beautiful colors emmanating and radiating off the clouds and dunes. Geometric pattern fired off and filled everything in the visual field. Say what you want about Yes but that album 'Relayer' is perfection when tripping and guides you wonderfully through the psychedelic voyage.

After a while we were able to get up, talk, walk to the beach and with the sun setting decided we could party now. We smoked some weed, drank some beer and smoked cigarettes. Later on we got out the boombox and listened to various Beatles, Pink Floyd and other albums. We had a great life-affirming day and although we are both successful family men now who live thousands of miles apart, we often discuss that one day and the wonder of it all. LOVE

Exp Year: 1990ExpID: 51693
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 15, 2018Views: 842
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LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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