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In Excruciating Pain
Citation:   Henry. "In Excruciating Pain: An Experience with Cannabis (exp51922)". Dec 15, 2021.

6-8 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I would not consider myself a regular Cannabis user, though I do smoke weed maybe 2-3 times a month with friends or at parties. However, I have never really enjoyed the feeling of being stoned, as it seems I am almost always in an anxious or paranoid mindset upon use of the drug, mostly for fear of my parents finding out, who are ultra conservative and anti-drug christians.

Moving on, the last time I smoked weed was possibly one of the worst experiences of my life. After smoking 6-8 hits over the course of about 5-10 minutes, I was in for the worst trip ever. Here is a detailed account:

4:00 PM- smoked about 6-8 hits of weed (not laced with anything, just weed)

4:30- as I am riding in my friends car, I start to feel like my heart is beating unusually fast, and I feel paranoid. I start to feel this throbbing pressure coursing through my body.

4:45- my heart is racing out of control now, or so it seems to me, and I feel as if I am having a heart attack, I can't breathe, and I am in extreme pain from this very strong and very strange throbbing sensation, like pressure and pain surging through my body every ten seconds or so. My brain feels like its being squeezed, and I feel as if someone is choking me with their hands.

5:00- by now the pain is still there, my heart is pounding, and I feel as if I will pass out. I am in horrible pain, thinking I for sure will die, and I start sweating profusely. My friends stop the car and ask what's wrong. I feel so stoned I can barely speak.

5:15- I get back in the car, feeling a little calmed down after I walk around outside, but the surging pain comes back and my heart is pounding still. Again I feel extremely nervous, nauseous, and very sick. I keep rationalizing that no one has died from weed and that I'll be ok, but I have this overwhelming feeling of death. I think I'll be the first to die for sure.
I keep rationalizing that no one has died from weed and that I'll be ok, but I have this overwhelming feeling of death. I think I'll be the first to die for sure.

5:30-we go to an afternoon party where everyone is smoking weed. I am informed that my face is stark white, and start to freak. I can barely walk straight, and hear ringing in my ears. Everyone seems to be moving differently, and I feel out of reality. My mouth is so dry I drink glass after glass of water to no avail.

6:00- my eyes are bloodshot but they feel very dry. Every time I blink it feels like my eyelids are slicing my eyes open, and I taste blood in my mouth. A very weird sensation. I keep checking to see if I am bleeding, but I am obviously not. My mind is just thinking of paranoid thoughts, and it is too difficult to formulate speech in my mind.

7:00- Still feeling very stoned and in pain, but calmed down a little, I go to perform in my musical performance in the pit orchestra. It is hard to play my clarinet, and the music seems distorted. Oddly, the play (The wizard of OZ) seems extremely boring and I get yelled at for playing horribly as it is hard to even hear what sounds are coming from my instrument.

Hours later-finally calmed down, now afraid of smoking weed ever again

In retrospect, I think I just had a bad trip and panic attack. Maybe it was all in my head, but I distinctly remember awful and excruciating pain and the worst anxiety I've ever had. I've read similar experiences online so I am not too worried, I want to try weed again maybe in lower doses. My body cannot handle even regular doses of anything like alcohol so I assume I just had too much weed and was already in a paranoid state of mind. Hopefully I can smoke some time and enjoy being high, as all my experiences so far have been neutral to unpleasant to extremely bad.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51922
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 15, 2021Views: 441
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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