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A Laced Orange
Citation:   Cacey. "A Laced Orange: An Experience with 2C-I (exp52019)". Aug 14, 2007.

40 mg oral 2C-I (edible / food)
On Friday, I was pretty well prepared for my experiment. I had come across 2C-I, I purchased about 5 apples and 2 oranges. I fist split the orange up and placed 20mg between two slices, and ate it. The orange covered up the taste of the of the 2c-i very well. I repeated this again.

At the time of consuming this amount it was 1:11 pm, about 35 mins past until I could feel the effects start to come over me. Much like LSD I still was pretty much in control. I felt some stomach ache start to arise, so I went for a walk, I was feeling pretty good. Apon my return to my room, I was sweatting heavily, my chest felt heavy, like someone was putting a big heavy rock on it, this did not scare me but just made me rather uncomfortable.

I then began a spiral out of control, I started thinking more systematically, Like I was reading a book about my own experience. About 3:00 pm I peaked with waves of more intense visuals, smokey circles, flat walls became 3-d, pictures of plants and anything outdoors seemed to be more atractting to my eye than anything. One thing that kind of upset me was that normally with LSD I would have CEVs, but with this stuff there was none, or I was just too energetic to really sit still for long periods of time.

About five I had a friend come over and pretty much watch over me to make sure I didn't do anything stupid, or just keep me company. I felt as if every time I was talking that my words were coming out chopped up and that I was studdering, although many times he said that I was talking fine and that the only thing he could tell that I was not 'sober' was that My face was flushed and my pupils were dialated.

After about 6 hours I could feel that I had past the peak and was slowly coming back into a state of normality, thought the visuals were still there I was less concerned with them then when I was first coming up. I also noticed that moving objects were not that interesting. Birds were my favorite, cutting a line through the sky. On 2C-I I felt that moving objects attracted my attention more and kept me from enjoying the scenery.

Once I was feeling completely normal, Although I was not, I could still see visuals, although fading away, I decided it was time for bed. I walked back to my room, laid down apon my bed, looking at the clock it was now 1:25 am, 12 hours had past and I am back to normal. Overall I would still rather do LSD than any other. I felt confused with this stuff and feel in complete control, much like I was slightly drunk.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 52019
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 14, 2007Views: 5,491
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2C-I (172) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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