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Shadow People and My Disappearing Girlfriend
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
Citation:   Charbroiled. "Shadow People and My Disappearing Girlfriend: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) (exp52042)". Jun 20, 2007.

20 tablets oral Diphenhydramine
It was Friday night, I wasn’t with my friends and I didn’t have anything to mess me up. I bought a couple of boxes of Benadryl and downed 20 of the little pills. I sat back and awaited the trip. I thought I was ready for hallucinations both visual and auditory. I was wrong. God was I ever wrong

These are the order in which to the best of my knowledge the advents occurred.

8:00pm-Take 20 Benadryl with a Mt.Dew. I have a good atmosphere I’m at home alone with a positive mind set, this was gonna be great I thought to my self

9:10pm-Start to get a warm feeling in my legs and I knew what was coming. I just relaxed and let the drug do its work.

9:14pm-I had to piss like a Russian Race Horse so I got up and my body felt like it weighed a ton, while walking to the bathroom I saw ripples out of the corner of my eyes. I will admit it was pretty cool seeing things.

9:30pm-Don’t know what happened in those 30 mins but somehow I got from the bathroom to my bedroom, things start to get scary it looks like my room is rippling, scary but still somehow neat.

9:55pm-I was sitting there thinking about how bad I wanted a cig when all at once I heard my name. I looked up and there was nobody there this creeped me out.

10:00pm-I wanted to go to bed, but every time I closed my eyes I would hear scratching sounds that seemed to omit from every corner in my room, several times I opened my eyes to see a shadow of a man slither across my walls, I was terrified at this point, my heart started beating rather heavily(calm down man its not real I told myself, but for some reason I couldn’t comprehend this)

11:00pm-I had taken a nap but was still plagued by the scratching noises which turned to hisses, and shadows, I believed I peaked at this point, when all of a sudden everything was way better for no apparent reason, I still felt heavy very very heavy but all of the sudden I was at peace.

11:17pm-I heard another voice call my name this time I knew the voice it was my girlfriends this calmed me.

12-1am-I slept off and on but I continued to hear we’ll call her K say my name

1:49am-(this is the best part of the trip and the only real thing I enjoyed)I heard K again This time I lifted up out of bed and she was on my bean-bag in the floor, I had an actual conversation with her, I cant remember what we talked about this one lasted for several mins finally she said 'Well I love you see you in the mourning' which I replied to saying, “Ok,” and when I got out of bed to give her a hug and kiss goodbye she just evaporated.(I somehow forgot I was tripping balls and she was real)

1:57pm-feel good inside I sleep for the rest of the night I awoke at 10:00am and went to pick up K.

All in All I wouldn’t suggest this It was a very scary trip. Benadryl gave me the worse cotton mouth I have ever experienced, that’s about it

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 52042
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 20, 2007Views: 15,458
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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