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Complex White Misty Cloud
Citation:   schrodinger. "Complex White Misty Cloud: An Experience with LSD (exp5223)". Jan 11, 2002.

1 hit oral LSD
I've recently read about Trey's experience on mixing LSD with mescaline, something about his recollection struck me as to how similar it was to mine, only I had just taken LSD alone. One afternoon myself and a close friend did some acid, and experienced the usual tale of warped images, however approx 6 hours later when I thought that the effects were begining to dissipate, I was astounded to see something which was amazing and uncontrollable - and ultimately emotionally stunning. No matter how much I tried to change my focus on to something else, the things I were seeing remained. These things or thing, was in fact a jelly like sheen which coated my whole body, which I could only detect by sight (at first). It looked like what I imagine a drop of milk would look like suspended in geletine, sort of forming a minute yet complex white misty cloud, it hovered about an inch above my skin (not my clothes) As I began to explore this occurence more closely - by looking at my fingers, I saw fleeting electrical sparks, the smallest I have ever seen, these electrical sparks seemed to be thinner than the finest hair and lasting only a fraction of a fraction of a second.

I later began to feel a strong electrical presence in the room (no sound) just a kind of what I would describe as a 'biological white noise' This white noise grew immense and loud - this is not auditory loud, it's more of a loud silence, maybe the opposite of sound? anyway, I felt it engulf me and take me to the most euphoric place I have ever been, I sensed that this place was unlike the 3 dimensional life that I knew of, but more of a place where everying is purely emotional - purely thought - no mass no space. Whilst in this place, I was convinced that the other presence formed part of me, and alway had been with me. Like Trey I felt that this presence was happy to know that I could finally acknowledge it.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5223
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2002Views: 5,691
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LSD (2) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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