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Into the Music
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Euphorhea. "Into the Music: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp52387)". Aug 12, 2020.

3 hits smoked Salvia divinorum
Well, tonight I did Salvia. It was in actuality my second time, but it was my first proper experience. I tried it with a friend last night to no effect even though two bowls were smoked from a pipe.

So tonight I wasn't expecting much. I was home and the only one awake, so decided to smoke the rest of what I had left from the previous night just to get rid of it. I made a bong in a final atempt to get something out of the 15 bucks I spent on half a gram. I went in my room, put some soft music on (Enya) which I thought would be relaxing, and sat on my bed. i took my first breath and tried to hold it in but it was so strong I coughed most out immediately. It started to smell a bit in my bedroom so I opened the window in an attempt to not wake the parents. I took another big hit and held it in for about 15 seconds.

This is where things started to go weird. It is hard to describe the feelings but I will try my best. The room started to warp and I was very typsy. I couldn't balance and wobbled all over the place. So I took one final hit and sat on my bed. Im not sure if I actually got up or if I just imagined it b/c the next little bit seems rather far fetched when I think about it.

I got up from the bed and was walking around my room. I was walking to the beat of the music. When I realized I was doing this I began to try to stop going to the beat but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get out of it. It was like the music was controlling my every move. Then finally I broke free and lay on my bed. I was just laying there listening to the music and my heart was racing, and It was still controlling me... or maybe I was controlling it this time. Anyway the music was going to my rhythm. I don't really know how to explain this part. My personal rhythm was simply an essance I had. It would slow down when I slowed down and speed up when I sped up. Then I started to relax and the music got quieter and finally stopped. I lay for a few seconds and then started to realize my trip was ending. This had all happened over the span of about 10 minutes. I got up and the music started again. It got louder as I walked. It followed my every move. It was crazy. Then I came out of my room to see if I had done anything to wake my parents. Apparently not because they didn't stir.

What a weird experience! I have done ecstasy, acid, and mushrooms, as well as weed but nothing comes close to this. I don't know if I will ever try it agian, but probably. My impression is that the trip is affected alot by who and what is around you. Next time I would say no to music, and have some extremely good friends there.

Over all I didn't have any visuals, except at the beginning when my bedrrom was warped a bit and then I saw a light for about 5 minutes afterwards. It was more just a feeling. But here is the best way I can describe it: you know the movie from walt disney that's all music, and its mickey mouse? Fantasia I think its called. The broom and the bucket are working to the beat of the music and mickey cannot get them to stop no matter what he does. That is exactly the feeling I had of my own body. It may or may not be influenced by the fact that I just read Animal Farm by George Orwell, which is about the control of animals by other animals. Who knows?

Anyways, cheers to anyone who reads this and good luck in your experiences through life.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 52387
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 12, 2020Views: 555
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