'Now Is Not the Time'
Salvia divinorum (10x extract) & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   cxsdtek. "'Now Is Not the Time': An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) & Nitrous Oxide (exp52569)". Erowid.org. Mar 8, 2016. erowid.org/exp/52569

  repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
For the longest time I have been searching for some way to delve into the deepest parts of my mind and soul. Nothing had done it so far (too afraid to try mushrooms/LSD/etc. due to the legal status of said substances). I have been trying to see within myself on a level that can't be reached through conventional, meditational means.

After reading countless reports and experiences on Salvia and its effects, I purchased some salvia 10x extract at my local 'smokeshop'. I had heard of its power before and was truly looking for something a bit less powerful, but the shop had extracts from 10x to 35x, nothing less powerful. Also with this I purchased a box of ISI whipped cream chargers (nitrous oxide) to help me mellow out before the experience, as I've heard and now truly believe that your mindset before any soul searching greatly affects what parts of your soul you will search and what you will find. I didn't want to experience the negative effects so commonly linked to Salvia usage and being unprepared. I wasn't about to treat this like some random party drug.

After getting home and setting up my nitrous dispenser and my water pipe, I laid down on my bed, turned on some soft familiar music, and pushed all negative thoughts and fears out of my head. I started on the nitrous first, the warm, tingly, fuzzy sensation coming over me in such a familiar way. As usual, thoughts popped into my head that were lucid, creative, and very fleeting.

After a few canisters, I loaded another canister for later, and fired up the water pipe. I took a deep hit, set down the pipe, and told myself/prayed, that everything would be alright, that I had only taken one hit, that everything would be alright.

I felt nothing. I remembered about needing a torch lighter to get the full effect.

upon exhaling, I noticed something strange. It felt much as the nitrous, a warm, fuzzy feeling creeping over me, only quicker and more powerfully. I figured this was just due to lack of oxygen (I went straight from a breath of nitrous, two deep breaths of air, to the salvia) so I let myself breathe a little easier. I managed to get one more breath of nitrous in before realizing that it was not the nitrous, and not lack of oxygen, that was pulling me down. I was unable to hold in the nitrous for more than a normal breath length. I sat back and felt the world disappear around me. It was as if my bed was swallowing me up, slowly pulling me into a deep hole. I allowed myself to go, telling myself 'its okay, just let go'. As I was pulled deeper into the hole, I felt something physically tugging at me. The thoughts of 'it's okay, just let go' were suddenly around me. it was not me saying the words or thinking them, it was someone else, someone dark and sinister, yet rather playful. It was the person tugging me into the hole. I clutched to my whipped cream canister and my lighter (which I had forgotten I was still holding), pulling them into the hole with me. I felt a slight tinge of fear. the feeling of warmth and fuzziness had reached a level of tingling and heat. I was pulled deeper and faster into the hole, carried by this evil, playful beast. Whoever was pulling at me and telling me it was okay seemed to laugh and told me: 'its okay. you are not yet ready'. I allowed myself to be pulled in deeper thinking to myself that it was useless to fight it. I felt I was powerless to do anything regarding this being. I was merely a toy.

The words to the song that was playing seemed to echo off the cavernous darkness. 'I am a poor wayfaring stranger, while traveling through this world of woe. Be there no sickness, toil or danger, in that bright world to which I go...' It was as if the song belonged to the darkness. Although that is hard to explain, it is the best way I can put it. The dark beast seemed to know something and kept murmuring something to me. I didn't at all understand it, except for the phrase 'now is not the time...'

as the song went on, echoing in the cave, it was as if it was peeling off layers of the darkness, slowly, physically peeling them, one layer after another. I could feel myself returning to reality, one layer at a time, the words echoing in my head 'now is not the time...'

Eventually the layers peeled off completely, and I was again laying in my bed, a calm feeling of warm fuzziness surrounding me. I was back, but with the words: 'now is not the time...' repeating over and over in my head.

Afterwards, a tingly feeling lingered on throughout my body. I went outside and had a cigarette, and pondered the words of the dark beast: 'now is not the time'. Apparently, he felt that I was not ready to see what he had intended to show me. In time, I feel that he will show me exactly what I was meant to see, but, 'now is not the time.'

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 52569
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 8, 2016Views: 1,788
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Nitrous Oxide (40), Salvia divinorum (44) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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