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Insignificant to the World
Citation:   Knight Rider. "Insignificant to the World: An Experience with LSD (exp52630)". Erowid.org. Apr 19, 2018. erowid.org/exp/52630

3 hits oral LSD (liquid)
I dont know why I am posting this, I really feel I have no need to, but at the same time I also feel as if the experience I had must be shared.

I am a semi experienced LSD user, I have done it multiple times, and it has always been a very enlightening experience. This time was different, It was not a bad trip, but what I felt was that I had somehow come to an understanding of the world, and that the understanding had somehow slipped away. I dont know how to explain it, so i'll just go over the night.

I took 3 hits of liquid acid on the toungue at about 930PM. We drove back to my friends house and went inside and began to listen to music and hang out. I had not spent much time with these people, they were new friends, but they were very nice and they all made me feel very comfortable.

I began to feel the initial effect about an hour after injesting.
The sence of anxiety, of knowing whats going to happen. About 2 hour into the trip, I began to get some very detailed and fascinating open eye visuals, I went into my friends bathroom, and stared at his shower wall, I felt like I was swimming in the sea, no sailing the sea, the acid ship was at my control.

Later we went over to another friends house and I sat and played video games for quite a while, I was really enjoying myself, everything was funny as hell and the video game, super mario cart for gamecube was trippy as fuck.

At about 5 Oclock AM, the effects were still very stong, but something began to become strange. I was the only one awake at this point, and I was now just sitting and staring into space and thinking. And thses thoughts kept coming into my head. As I looked around the room, I see all these people, just passed out from a night of doing drugs and partying, and I looked at myself, and I felt this overwhelming sadness, I felt like nothing more that a junkie, a knew that thats all I was, all I am.

I went outside, and started at the city and the now lightening sky, and thought about how insignificant I really am in the whole perspective of the world, and an overwhelming sadness came over me. I then knew that I needed to do something, that I needed to change my life around.

I would have to say that LSD has helped me realize things about myself. The unfortunate thing is that I wish I had realized more, I feel like I missed something big.

LSD is a powerful drug, used wisely, it can do a great deal of good, but it can also be a monster, and destroy.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 52630
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 19, 2018Views: 802
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LSD (2) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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