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Devil Behind The Shadows
Citation:   Nukleuz. "Devil Behind The Shadows: An Experience with Ketamine (exp5271)". Jan 12, 2002.

2 bumps insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
The first time I did K was the best. It wasn't necessarily the strongest, because there have been times where I thought I would fall unconcious, but it was the most exciting. Maybe it was that this was the best shit I would get for a long time, and I had no idea. Or maybe it was the perfect environment I was in... I stood with my friend L after my bumps in the middle of a dark dancefloor at 5 in the morning. The DJ put on Plasmic Honey's 'Exorcism' a rather spooky kind of Progressive house song. On the big screens at the front of the club was a huge smiling devil's face.

I stood there feeling the effects begin to hit me. I don't really remember what came first, or what it felt like coming up, but I know it was fast. Soon I felt like I weighed a million pounds. My whole body was dead weight as slumped over my friend. I tried to walk and found myself stumbling about. I realized my eyes were somewhat closed, and I opened them up and took a look around. All I saw was darkness, with shadows of people dancing behing shadows of the club, and that devil's face was everywhere. And the shadows would react to the music... with each beat the shadows pulsed. And as the music built the intensity would grow...

I pulled myself out of the trance a little bit before the music climaxed. I didn't want to be there for that. As scary as all that might seem though, it really wasn't at all. It was a lot more interesting than anything else, and I was never once scared, though I guess maybe some people would have been.

I decided that K was a lot of fun, and I should try dancing. It was tough considering I had no balance, and my legs felt extremely heavy. Gradually the drug began to wear off and I began to want more, a feeling I suppressed.

K was a lot of fun, but it kind of scares me for some reason. But then again,I think people should be scared of drugs. Its a great time, but be careful.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5271
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 12, 2002Views: 14,694
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Ketamine (31) : Club / Bar (25), First Times (2)

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