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I'm So Thirsty
Amphetamines (Adderall)
by El
Citation:   El. "I'm So Thirsty: An Experience with Amphetamines (Adderall) (exp52856)". Oct 3, 2007.

T+ 0:00
5.0 mg oral Amphetamines (capsule)
  T+ 0:05 15 mg insufflated Amphetamines (capsule)
  T+ 4:00 20 mg insufflated Amphetamines (capsule)
  T+ 6:00 20 mg insufflated Amphetamines (capsule)
I'm a 15 year old guy weighing around 155 pounds. So today I took adderall for the first time. I've had experiance with weed, acid, coke, and dxm before but I had never tried adderall.

Anyway, at around 9 o'clock in the morning, I was sitting in my period 3 class in school when I decided to take the it. The class was watching a movie so no one was really paying attention to anyone else. I took out a 20mg pill and took the little tip off of it. I was extremely exited because I had been planning to take adderall for a while. I though of ways of taking it and decided I would taste it first. I poured probably 1/4 of the 20mg onto my palm and licked it off. At first, the adderall tasted disgusting. A sort of bitter, sour nasty taste. I knew that these tiny little beads full of chemicals were time release so I thought they would work faster if I chewed them. The bitterness instantly went away and was replaced by a sickly sweet taste. I swallowed what I had chewed up.

After 5 minutes or so I didn't feel anything at all so I decided to insufflate the rest of the 20mg. I poured the beads out of the pill and onto my thumb. I brought my nose to my thumb and snorted the beads with my left nostrill. The drug went up easily with no burning sensation in my nose. I kept on doing small lines off of my thumb until I had snorted the rest of the pill. Effects came on in around 2 minutes and I kept on getting goosebumbs, which felt amazing, and I felt very warm, pleasantly warm.

At around 1 o'clock in was in lunch and decided to snort a whole pill to boost the effects. I took a straw and cut it down to about 3 or so inches. I went outside with W and S and emptied the whole pill into my hand. I put the straw in my left nostril and snorted the little pile of orange and white beads. I felt the effects almost immediatly and just sorta sat around on the playground outside for like 5 minutes. S and W decided to run around in the grass barefoot and I followed them around. I could deffinitly feel the adderall now. I felt a little bit of the adderall get absorbed into mucus or something and slowly drip down my throat. This tasted discusting and I swallowed to get rid of the taste. My heart rate increased and I felt very euphoric.

Around the same time I realized that my mouth was very dry. I needed a drink VERY badly. Me, W, and S all went back inside the lunch room in school and I desperately looked around for a drink. When I couldn't find anything I felt very annoyed. During my next class I could really start to feel the effects of the adderall. I was constantly either tapping my foot, twirling my pen, or having my thoughts trail off. Around now, my thoughts flew by rapidly in my mind and I realized that when I talked I was talking very fast. I felt like I was understanding the lecture better than I usually do, this teachers lectures are usually sort of boring and hard. I took good notes for the first time in the class. I finished all of my classwork on time (which NEVER happens in that class) and I felt like I knew the answer to any question the teacher could ask.

My little ticks continued throughout the period and when school was over my dad picked me up. I tired to control the random movement and was successful in just tapping my foot and humming sometimes. My dad did not suspect anything and I could talk normally with him, although maybe a little fast. When I got home I decided to pick up my cousin from elementary school. I was in a GREAT mood and had lots of energy and was eager to try out my new rollerblades that I just got. Blading to her school took me about 5 or 7 minutes and it felt very good with the wind in my face. It was a VERY nice day, the first in a while, and the weather made me even happier. I'm pretty sure that I had a smile on my face the whole way there. While skating, I noticed that I wasn't twitching probably because skating occupied my mind.

When I got to the school I realized that I was around half an hour early. I skated around and felt very coordinated and in control of everything. On the way to the school, I had baught a soda and some bottled water. I decided to do another 20mg and sat down and snorted it with a straw from my hand again. There was no pain in my nose from the little beads and it only felt a little weird. Throughout this whole period I was experiancing MASSIVE dry mouth. I was taking sips of the water and the soda, whichever I felt like tasting. The new dose of adderall kicked in and I was up and skating around the whole school yard. I sat down for a rest on a bench and saw a woman and her kid come into the school yard. The kid was a girl probably around 5 or 6. The woman sat next to me on the bench and watched her kid ride around on a bike. I noticed that the little girl was riding her bike without training wheels and thought about my cousin who was a few years older and still had her training wheels on.

After a few seconds of indecision I initiated a conversion with the woman. We talked about kids and what ages they start to ride bikes at and a bunch of other random things. This was completely unusual for me because I usually avoid strangers and would never even talk to them. After a few minutes the woman and her kid left and I was alone again. My thoughts jumbled in my head and I closed my eyes for a few seconds. I decided that I should lay off the soda since I was already getting enough stimulants but after finishing the bottled water my mouth dried after 30 seconds. I was insanely thirsty so I drank most of the soda. I was pretty sure that this was a bad idea but by then I didn't give a fuck at all because I was soooo thirsty.

Soon the final bell of school rang and a bunch of kids ran out of the doors. I sat on the bench and waited for my cousin to come out. My thoughts drifted and I had a million different idea about what I wanted to do tomorrow and for the rest of the day. Soon my cousin appeared with her friend. Usually my cousin and I don't get along too well but today I felt soooooo good. I told her that she could have the rest of my soda if she wanted and that we were going to the gas station close by and that I would buy her any snack that she wanted. Her friend, who doesn't like me very much, senced that something was different with me and asked if she could come with us to the gas station. I agreed and told her to go ask her parents if she could come because she lived right across the street from the school.

My cousin put on her rollerblades and her friend came out of the house and said that her mom was not home and that her sister said she couldn't go. My cousin told her to tell her sister that I was going to be with them and would supervise them. Her friend went back inside and came out with her sister. I was stunned by how good she looked. She was maybe 1 or 2 years younger than me and was absolutely beautiful. Normally I would never EVER talk to her because I would either be too shy or something but the adderall made me assertive. I started talking to her and we had a long conversion while my cousin and her friend talked. Towards the end of the converstion we flirted a bit and exchanged screen names with each other. My cousins friend called her mom and asked if she could go but her mom didn't want her going home along so my cousin and I set off for our house.

We stopped at the gas station on the corner and I baught another drink, a soda. I got my cousin some candy and she was very happy. Usually when I walk home with her we end up fighting and yelling at each other but today I was VERY nice and generous and we had lots of fun on the way home. I still had dry mouth throughout this whole time. I took small sips of the soda every few seconds to keep my mouth wet.

After we got home I didn't really do anything for a while and then my friend N texted me and invited me to go the center, the local hang out in the middle of town. I agreed and my dad let me go for a few hours. I skated to the center and met my friend. She wanted to buy cigarettes so we went to the library across the street to see if any people that were older than 18 were hanging out there. We couldn't find anyone who would buy us cigs so we just went to CVS. I had changed into my converse and was holding my skates in my hands by now. Every few minutes I would experiance goosebumps and shivers that felt amazing, some laster more than 10 seconds. I noticed that my skin was very warm but now I realize that it was only a minor sunburn from being outside earlier in the day.

N baught the cigs with no problems and smoked a few while we walked around. I was talking very fast and I felt extremely happy. I felt like I was on top of the world and every few minutes would say that this was the best day of my freshman year and that adderall was one of the best drugs I every took. I remember repeating this MANY times and I guess it got a little monotonous :). Me and N went back to the library where I did another 20mg of adderall upstairs where there wernt any people. N noticed that I had the little adderall beads under my nose and I wiped them off. There were a few that I did not snort all the way and were just like in my nose so i got rid of those too. We went back outside and walked around. I realized that I was sweating a lot more that usual. I usually barely ever sweat. I still had dry mouth but I had a bottle of SOBE that I sipped. It seemed to help for a while. Me and N just hung out for a while and talked about a lot of random stuff.

Later I went home and was bummed because no one was home and I didn't have anything to do. I wasn't in the mood to play any video games and I was extremely hyper. It was around 7ish and my dad had just left work and he took my cell phone. I couldn't remember anyones number so I looked around and found the numbers of some of my friends. Everyone was busy and couldn't hang out except S (the one from lunch). Me and S live close by so I skated to her house and then we walked around town. I wanted to get wax for my skates so we decided to go to the center because there was a sports store there. I was still sweating a lot and had terrible dry mouth. I was on my 4th or 5th bottle of liquid today but nothing seemed to help. I was also astonished that I did not have to go to the bathroom yet.

It was around 8 when we got to the center and the weather had probably dropped 5 degrees so it was probably around 70. I started to shiver from that tiny drop in temperature because of all the sweat on my body. Me and S walked around and talked with me every few minutes saying that adderall was amazing and this was the best day of my life and that I had never felt so great. It was getting dark outside and we were heading home when we saw one of S's friends and his dad. We talked with Sm's dad while Sm went into the library to do something. We probably talked for around 5 minutes and I followed the conversation very closely. I didn't talk much because I was sort of shivering from the cold that I felt.

Sm had been in the library a long time so his dad asked us to go in and get him so me and S went in. I took of my skates because you cant wear them in the library and realized that I didn't have my shoes with me so I walked around in my socks. The carpeted floor felt very nice and I enjoyed walking around. We soon found Sm and we saw that he was with his sister. She is a few years older than us and I had never talked to her before. S, Sm, and his sister chatter while I looked around the room observed everyone. Sm's sister asked S if she had a nickel to print something but S didn't so I said that I had a nickel and gave it to her. She thanked me and said my name which I found pleaseantly surprising because I had never even talked to her, I didn't even know she knew who I was.

A little while later everyone headed home. I walked S to her house and skated back home. The dry mouth was acting up again so I drank some bottled water. My mom came home and we watched some TV. I told her about my day and I don't think she noticed that I was talking too fast or twitching my fingers. My aunt came over and I had a really great conversation with her. My thoughts were coming VERY fast and I was still getting pleasurable shivers every once in a while. We all sat down and watched a few shows on the TV. I was starting to feel a little queezy and realized that I had not eaten the whole day. I fiddled around with a pen on the couch and tried to pay attention to the show. I just couldn't find it interesting and left to go to my room.

I talked to some people on AIM and told them bout my day. Then, around 10ish, I felt the need to go to the bathroom finally. I thought that I would piss out a whole lake but was surprised that peeing was completely average. I did notice that my penis looked a bit shrunken. This obviusly worried me so I headed back to my computer and started reading up on the effects. I realized that I was slowly beggining to crash and reading about crashing made me feel terrible and that was around when I started writing this. I had to take a shit which was odd because I had shit yesterday and I hadn't eaten anything after that but I felt a lot better after I was done.

I went back to reading peoples experiances and then realized that there was no way that I could get hard. My penis just wouldn't respond to stimulation. I felt sort of bad about that but most of the nausia had gone away after I had taken a shit so I wasn't feeling terrible any more. If I stood up I would get dizzy and I assumed the blood was getting drained from my head. I still had terrible dry mouth and as of now I have no idea how I am going to get to sleep with it. I'm still completely awake and don't feel tired at all. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to pull an all nighter.

The shivers have almost completely stopped. They only come very rarely, maybe once every 10 minutes. I still feel happy and I'm planning on doing some more adderall tomorrow. I'm pretty sure that tomorrow in school I will feel like shit and will sleep through most of my classes to make up for the lost sleep tonight. My arms are quivering a bit and if I stretch my fingers out they shake no matter how hard I try to control them. My vision is pretty good but I've had some tunnel vision for a few seconds at a time.

In conclusion, I feel that today really has been one of the best days of my life. The high that I got from adderall was practicly the exact opposite of the one from weed. Instead of feeling sluggish and lazy I was alert and felt like I was ready for anything. I'm sure that the adderall made me more assertive and I had an extremely fun time. I would recomend adderall for everyone. The only thing that really bothered me is the dry mouth. It just won't go away. I have no idea whether it was from me chewing the adderall or what.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 52856
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 3, 2007Views: 14,740
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Amphetamines (6) : Sex Discussion (14), First Times (2), Various (28)

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