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Citation:   Wiggy. "Moons: An Experience with Ecstasy (exp5303)". Erowid.org. Feb 22, 2001. erowid.org/exp/5303

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
My last experience on X had the worst after effects I've ever had. I bought a Moon from my friend because I was going to the Valentine's rave, which I had been planning on going to for weeks, and I knew that I would enjoy the rave more if I wigged. I was really excited about the rave, so in order to prepare myself for a really good time on X, I didn't eat anything the whole day. I had a small headache, so I took some Motrin at around 8:00pm. My sister came at midnight and said that I would have to pay for her entrance and mine so we decided to go to another club that played good wigging music too. I took the tab with water while we were driving in her boyfriend's car at around 12:45-1:00am.About 15-20 minutes later, my vision started getting blurry and I could feel it kicking in. Ten minutes after that, I was just about at my peak. While we were standing in line, before it hit me, I was shivering because it was cold outside, but when it really hit me, I didn't feel cold at all.

The club was too crowded, they weren't letting anyone in, and I was already wigging while were standing in line, so we went back to the car and the rest of my experience took place driving around what seemed like a very illuminated dream world. I got all of the same feeling as the other three times that I wigged (traces on moving objects, feeling of being in slow motion/ drifting and floating, relaxed body, emotional, etc.), but that time, I found myself talking to people that I work with, who seemed to keep bothering me which almost made me cry if my sister wouldn't have gotten my attention. She said that that probably happened because I was worried about going to work in the morning, but every time that I've wigged, I had to go to work at 8:00am. I could vividly hear what the people from work were saying and feel the atmosphere of my job.

My sister and her boyfriend dropped me off at home at about 4:45 and I was still wigging pretty good. I wanted my sister to stay with me for the night, but I couldn't understand the reason why she couldn't at the moment which made me feel really bad. I was in and out of sleep for the rest of the night and my dad got me up at 7:00am to get ready for work. I felt like my body reactions were a bit slow and I got extremely tired at about 9:30am while I was at work. I left work early because I had to go to an art award ceremony to pick up my prize, but once I saw my bed, I crashed from 1:30pm to 7:30 PM. I have never felt so tired and exhausted after being on X before.

When I woke up I was dizzy and I still wasn't hungry even though I still hadn't eaten anything. I tried to do my homework after waking up, but I couldn't concentrate on even reading one paragraph out of a textbook, so I went to sleep until I had to get ready to go to school. I had a headache,my jaws were incredibly soar from grinding my teeth, I felt dizzy, and I felt like vomiting. These horrible feelings lasted for about three days, then started to wear off. I also couldn't concentrate on my schoolwork.It's been ten days and I still constantly feel a lot more tired, sleepy, and less motivated than usual. Those feeling that lasted about three days were intense and have made me never want to do X again. Each pill has its different effects and I don't want to take any chances of having those types of effects again.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5303
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 22, 2001Views: 4,529
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MDMA (3) : Various (28), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), Difficult Experiences (5)

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