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Nowhere but Here
Ketamine & Cannabis
Citation:   Lady k. "Nowhere but Here: An Experience with Ketamine & Cannabis (exp53035)". Mar 25, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis  
    repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I am 18 years old and am fairly experienced in mainstream drugs. I smoke cannabis everyday and am not thinking of stopping anytime soon. This is my first experience with the drug called K.

It was a Sunday afternoon when my friend Karen decided to come over to my house. I don't really like her, but she said she had a surprise for me. With her that usually means something to fuck me up.

She called at 2:00 and it was 4:00 she wasn’t here yet so I went to my friend S's house to smoke a joint with her and her boyfriend. By five I was pretty stoned. I heard the doorbell ring. It was Karen. I got excited cuz I knew I would be even more fucked soon. She told me she had 3 grams of k. I’m not a big fan of chemicals but I thought why not.

Me Karen and S went into her washroom and I put a small bump on the back of my thumb and sniffed. I have never tasted anything so disgusting in my life. While my nose burnt like a son of a bitch I began to taste that shit dripping down my throat. I took another large bump and went into the living room where S’s boyfriend looked pretty pissed off. My friend had popped E and she told him. So to ease the tension I said let’s smoke another spliff. While smoking I felt kind of light and dizzy, I just started smiling and pitching movie ideas to my friends. I walked back inside the warmth of her house but I found it quite difficult. When I am high I find it hard to walk, with doing any kind of drug, I just feel like I will fall any second.

By this point I am extremely high I can’t stop smiling and I have this weird feeling that something is watching me. Me and Karen decided to leave S and her man because of the uncomfortable situation. We got onto the bus on our way to Kennedy station to catch another bus to go to A’s house, a childhood friend of mine. On the way their people kept looking at me as if I was crazy. I just kept saying stupid shit to Karen and singing a song, to this day I can’t remember the song. Riding the bus while on K made me extremely nauseous.
Riding the bus while on K made me extremely nauseous.

We got to A’s house and I cut myself fat line on the kitchen table. The burning in my nose still hurt but not as bad as before. We smoked another joint and then went for a smoke outside. I live in Toronto and it can get very cold in the winter so I was shivering uncontrollably. The cigarette made me sick so I vomited all over a green Toyota.

On my way back home I was by myself. So needless to say I was extremely fucked and paranoid. I kept seeing quick flashes of light all around. I had just then realized that Karen left me with half a vial of ketamine so I went into Hasty Market for ginger ale and asked to use the washroom. I finished the vial and went home.

Overall it was a nice experience. Since then I have used K about 20-40 more times. It doesn’t fuck me up quite as much anymore after the first time but does anything. I know that I can not achieve the high the first time I rode the K wave but I will keep on trying because that’s what drug people do.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53035
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 25, 2018Views: 1,074
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Ketamine (31) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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