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Pink Candycastle And The Dimenson Trolls
Salvia divinorum (5X Extract)
Citation:   Sire & Nayra. "Pink Candycastle And The Dimenson Trolls: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (5X Extract) (exp53041)". Jan 11, 2018.

  smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
My friend and I wanted to try Salvia one day, and decided to buy some since we were in the UK and it's legal here. This was our very first time, we had a gram of 5x extracts. We used a homemade bong and took a bowlfull each at a time, several times. We were in a park with gentle lighting in the middle of the night, no people in in sight what so ever. Here are how we experienced our trips:

Sire 1st:
I filled the bong with smoke, and inhaled all the smoke... Suddenly I felt a sting in my body, and it dotted everywhere in my body then I looked at my friend and I howled with laughter, then I thought ''don't laugh'' so I laughed even harder and louder. Then I just touched my face and didn't feel a thing, it was so awkward. My whole face was so loose so I felt that I drooled all over myself. I was constantly laughing and it lasted for about 2 minutes.

Nayra 1st:
After inhaling the smoke, I felt that I had to laugh, but it wasn't so strong. I had some trouble talking, I was stammering. It lasted for several minutes, but was fairly weak.

Sire 2nd:
Laughing laughing laughing. Then everything and all surroundings went pink and I felt like I was bouncing on a road made of cotton candy. On each side of the road there was huge pink castles, I screamed CANDY CASTLES CANDY CASTLED, and laughed my guts out. There was candy being tossed out of the castles. And then my friend said ''candy castles'', So I saw his face on every castle repeating ''candy castles'' over and over. It felt like I was in another world, and that this was the world I had been on in eternity. Then suddenly everything was normal.

Nayras 2nd:
This time I really felt it, I laughed harder and more then ever at nothing at all... I didnt want to stop, just continue and laugh, it was a great feeling. I got ut and jumped around and ran around laughing, then I saw something quite unexplainable. Like it was a dimension door being opened in the middle of reality, like a page, with another universe, another dimension behind it and a huge troll coming out of it. I wasn't looking behind, but I still saw the same thing happening behind me from other dimensions, friendly abstract creatures. It was also like I had 360 degree vision. It was amazing. Then when I closed my eyes, it was like a zipper was being pulled upwards, and when i leaned my head backwards it followed up, then I looked downwards and it went down. Then the right side of the zipper disapeared, so I leaned to the right to see what was on the other side of the zipper, then I saw 10000000000 of shelves just opening and closing.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53041
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2018Views: 740
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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