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I Took It Lightly
Citation:   Surprised Noob. "I Took It Lightly: An Experience with 2C-I (exp53168)". Jun 21, 2006.

  repeated oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Reporting primarily about myself, and my wife C.

Drug experience:
Plenty of pot
30-60 times with MDMA (and probably other things sold as E) all with C who introduced me
10-15 times with Coke
5-10 times with Crack
a couple times with Opium
once with some low-grade meth
I should say that I am far more sensitive to pot than almost anyone I have smoked with (C excluded), and it is easy for me to smoke myself into a stupor and pass out. Especially if I mix even one or two drinks of alcohol, which I am NOT normally over-sensitive to, even in pretty large quantities.

A few times with pot
100-200 times with MDMA
2-5 times with Coke
1 or 2 times with LSD
once with Crack
once with Opium
once with some low-grade meth

Disclaimer: Our experiences with 2C-I were a long time ago, and I wish I'd written this sooner so as to be more accurate, but this is the best I can recall.

The reason:
Our MDMA supply had been dry for a very long time, and we were really jonesing for something. I read a lot of reports that 2C-I could be similar, and good for sex (one thing we like about MDMA). In hindsight, NOT good reasoning.

The setup:
We acquired 200mgs 2C-I, and since we had no scale and did not want to invest that much for an experiment, I got a good quality eye dropper bottle, some everclear, and set to work. I can't remember the exact count, but I believe I had it worked to where either 3 or 4 drops was one mg. I was EXTREMELY careful when doing this counting and math, and I almost never make mistakes with things I'm being careful about. Who knows, maybe they sent us too much, and that screwed our dosings. But looking at the whole picture of experiences, I doubt it.

The first time:
We were excited to try it, and we were careful to eat well the day before, sleep well the night before, eat good breakfast and lunch and then skip dinner the day of. We were also allowing a buddy (F) to come over and join us. He had always been cool when we wanted someone to hang with and talk to, and he was always good at staying out of our hair when we wanted private time.

T+0:00 F's not here yet, and won't be for a while, but we want to get started, and he won't care. So I carefully prep a moderate-low dose for each of us estimated to be slightly over threshold, which probably would have been 12-14 mgs.

Mistake One: I use OJ to do this, forgetting that C doesn't really like OJ that much. She doesn't usually have nausea problems, but apparently on this night, the OJ seemed to go badly for her on an empty stomach with a strong psychedelic.

T+1:00 We're both starting really starting to feel something coming on, but no bad feelings yet. Then (Mistake number 2 and 3), the phone rings. C picks up the phone, checks the caller ID says 'It's your parents', and hands me the phone. I say 'No way I'm talking to them right now like this', and she mouths 'I already hit the talk button. I'm SOOO Sorry!!!'.

Me: 'Mom! Hi.' Well, long story short I get my mom off the phone in record time (just under 20 minutes), and I don't think at the time she detected anything (or heard my not answering comment). I'll never truly know.

Damn I wish I'd just unplugged the phone that night.

T+1:30 I'm REALLY feeling some things happening that are DEFINATELY NOT MDMA. C doesn't look so good, and she tells me (again) how bad she feels about the phone, and that she (and her stomach) feels crazy messed up, and she goes downstairs to lay down. I try to put some music on upstairs (which takes quite a while) and stay out of her way, so as not to upset her nausea any worse. I'm getting worried that the phone incident has sent our entire evening in the wrong direction, and that our mood will never recover. (I was too right)

T:+1:45 F shows up. Me: 'Dude, we are MESSED up, and this stuff is NOT Ecstacy.' I tell him exactly how much we did and how to mix it, and that he is free to do so at his own risk. Now we never really told him what it was for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that we did not trust him to have his own access to the stuff in the future, purely for his own well-being. But anyway, he trusts us as we were pretty good friends, and we had introduced him to MDMA. So he takes a much smaller dose. I have no idea how much it was, or if he ever even made it off of baseline. But he was a good house-guest, did nothing annoying, and tried to help by doing anything we ask him to.

T:+2:00 C's getting worse and worse, and my visuals are so crazy that I could not detect if I had a body buzz, or if that was just dizziness from not being able to see straight. I had this Aztech pattern flowing over everything in my field of vision, whether my eyes were open or not.

The next 2-6(?) hours were really a haze of us just trying to get comfortable, which we never really did. I didn't puke, but I couldn't tell you if C did or not. She just kept telling me that she wanted to fall asleep and wake up tomorrow sober.

Finally, we eventually calmed down enough to watch a movie and started GRADUALLY feeling better after that.

The second time:
A week or two later after me trying to figure out what went wrong, and figure out a way to make it an enjoyable trip, I decide to expiriment. So, on an evening that I'm home alone, I take a small dose, probably 6-8 mgs, and wait. After a few hours, I start to see the familiar Aztec visuals, and I'm feeling a slight body buzz. It was all very controlable and somewhat enjoyable, but still nothing really like E. So I decide to smoke some weed. Now, as I mentioned before I have a low tolerance for pot, and I can get extremely F'd up.

So I take my usual 2-3 hits, and 10 minutes later, I'm feeling fucking AWESOME! Now I always feel great when I'm stoned, but this was truly something else. My body feels like it's made out of lead. This always happens to me when I get really stoned, but it usually takes more quite a bit more weed than that. But I'm still feeling better than I ever have, I just can't move, so I lay there and listen to music for hours, and feel really bad about feeling this good without C.

So I tried for the next week or two to gently convince C that it might be worth trying again. She was dead set against it. Apparently her vision never seemed to return to normal, which she complained about for at least 2 months after the first time. I'm still not sure if she feels like it's recovered to this day. Now I should say that C and I have always had noticeably above average vision, hers even better than mine. And I'm sure we're still both above average, but it may have done some minor permanent damage to either or both of us.

The last time:
Then one night, our friend B calls just to chat with C. After chatting for a while C learn's that M (B's boyfriend) is jonesing, and C sets up an evening for M and I to do some 2C-I. (Although we never told them what it was, for the same reasons we never told F). So we take the stuff over to M&B's house, and I, M, and a couple of M's roommates (they would have had a real house of the rising sun if they could ever get anything stronger than weed), dose up at probably about 10mgs. M's roomates go there room to do their own thing, while M and I hang out watching a movie with our significant others.

Well, after 2 hours we're not feeling much. Noticeable, but definitely less than a +2, so we decide to do a couple mgs more. After another hour when we're barely higher than an hour before, I suggest we smoke some pot. So M get's the roomates out of their room, and they're about where we are, so they agree to have a J with us. Here comes another mistake of mine. When smoking with other people I feel this stupid need to at least give the perception that I'm smoking at least half as much as they are. Well, that probably turned out to be 4-5 hits when I really only intended to do 2.

Long story short, I spent an undetermined amount of time (felt like many many hours or days, but could have been as little as 15 minutes) laying on the couch in a completely confused state including some really messed up dream-like things, and the occasional complete loss of ego where I could not convince myself that I was not part of the couch. And I don't mean my body melded into it, I mean there were times I believed I might have been manufactured, and existed my entire life as a part of this (really old) couch. Sometimes I was an entire cushion, sometimes I was a single molecule within the structure of this gigantic couch.

Finally I manage to become alert enough to perceive and communicate with the outside world, and I ask C to drive me home. I start feeling better once we get in the car, and strangely I don't even remember the visuals being very powerful. I later learned that M spent some time (while I was laying on the couch) in his roomates room, and they apparently felt JUST like they were having a great roll with great visuals. I also felt bad I had to leave (once I was coherent enough to have logical thought), because I know M doesn't really like the roomates, and B can be an extreme bore when she's sober (I still can't even remember why she didn't want to dose with us).

Final thoughts:
I never saw that little blue bottle again, as we left it at M&B's house that night. Never heard who did what with it, and never cared. I do feel like I could eventually learn to make 2C-I a useful and/or enjoyable trip. But since C has lost all will to experiment, there's no reason to.

We never gained any deep meaning, and the only thing we learned is that these substances are serious, and should definitely be treated very seriously. I thought I was doing everything possible to be extremely careful, and it just was not good enough.

I seriously question if this is as good an introductory psychedelic as people say it is. If it really is, then all I can say is whoa!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 53168
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 21, 2006Views: 11,955
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2C-I (172) : Various (28), Health Problems (27), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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