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Happy and Distracted
Citation:   funkyjunk. "Happy and Distracted: An Experience with Codeine (exp53231)". Mar 3, 2018.

60 mg oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
So I got some Codeine after haveing my wisdom teeth pulled. About 4 days after I got them out I went back to skool. I took 2 30mg pills for the slight pain and went to skool. I didn't eat anything for breakfast so thats probly why it worked so fast.

Well anyway into first period (probly about 20 min after taking the codine) I felt very happy and couldn't stop smileing.

About 5 min later I walked down to a small room in the skool that I had a key to, to get on the comp. On my walk there I felt disoriented and like everything was interesting and I had to look at it or watch it. It felt strange to go down stairs and my legs felt funny. I ran into the railing on my way down but I was fine after that.

The rest of the morning felt great and happy. :) That was also my first time on codeine so thats probly y the low amounts worked so well. I've done a good amount of differant drugs before so I've experiance alot of things but this was a little diferant. Also I plan on doing sum more in the next week or too so ill jus see how that goes. :)

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53231
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 3, 2018Views: 2,036
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Codeine (14) : General (1), First Times (2), School (35)

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