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Smashed With a Hammer
Morning Glory Seeds
by D
Citation:   D. "Smashed With a Hammer: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp5347)". Jan 14, 2002.

9.0 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
I bought 18 packages of Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds, there was no warning label on the back (the seed brand was Burpee). Here's the method we used:

Washed the seeds throughly with soap and water

placed 9 grams of seeds into a balloon, then smashed thoroughly with a hammer

put this smashed seed pulp into a glass with 8 oz cold water, and let it sit in the refrigerator for an hour

After that, attempted to strain the liquid through a coffee filter (it was really difficult), and mixed the crushed pulp into a cup of yogurt.

Then, drank the seed water, and ate the yogurt.

Ive tried LSD twice before, once was a really mild hit and the other an intense experience with a drop of incredible liquid that lasted about 12 hours, so I had two points of reference to compare to.

About 20 minutes after ingesting the concoction, started experiencing quite an intense head buzz, and some pretty severe nausea, which came and went in waves. On the downside of one of these waves of sickness, I downed some pepto bismol, which made the sickness go away entirely. (in retrospect, I should have took some pepto before ingesting the seeds) Ive also heard that a teaspoon of fresh ginger will keep one from getting sick.

About 2 hours later, started noticing some bizzare visuals, and feeling a little giddy. Music sounded very spatial, and conversation flowed effortlessly.

about 1.5 to 2 hours after that, everything just went into overdrive. My friend turned on the nintendo, and immediately we all noticed how the screen was in vivid 3d, the colors were exteemly bright and explosions seemed to fly right out of the tv. I started experienced some intense visuals...wood didnt flow as fast as it did on LSD, but it was definately moving, especially in peripheral vision. In fact, thats how the visual aspect of the seeds came started in my peripheral vision and then became more intense over the course of about and hour, until everything was moving. Very similar to LSD, although not as intense or defined.

The trip seemed very 'warm and fuzzy', too. Whereas LSD is kind of 'cold and precise' What the MG trip lacked in visual definition and perceptive detail it made up for in warmth and tactile stimulation. Things felt great against my skin, almost like an MDMA high but not quite as intense. My friend said it felt like a cross between LSD and Shrooms.

The sun started coming up, and although there was still much to be seen we kicked back and just fell asleep (something I can't do on Acid). Woke up about 6 hours later feeling no ill effects.

All in all in was a fantastic trip which will definately be done again. Although this time Ill probably try the extraction method to avoid the sickness and shorten the time it takes to take effect.

On a side note - it seems from reading other experiences on Erowid that when people grind up the seeds, and don't extract the LSA, they get really ill. I read the the seed coat contains the chemicals that induce nausea, and that when ground up more of these chemicals are released. That's why we smashed the seeds with a hammer. Although you may not have gotten as much LSA this way, we may not have gotten as sick either.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5347
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 14, 2002Views: 12,047
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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