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The Twisted Sister
Salvia splendens
Citation:   Legal Deagle. "The Twisted Sister: An Experience with Salvia splendens (exp53511)". Jun 1, 2006.

7 leaves smoked Salvia splendens (leaves)
I am a fan of 'legal highs', and have experimented with numerous legal substances, including pharmaceuticals, salvia divinorum, nutmeg, morning glory, about a dozen herbs, and so on. I recently purchased a Salvia Splendens plant. Beforehand I had smoked a small bowl of the leaves (which I dried in the microwave) and noticed a very nice relaxing effect, albeit at the expense of poor tasting smoke.

I decided I would later smoke a joint of the stuff, to test it out further. The dried leaves are remarkably easy to roll, which is handy because I am terrible at rolling, and it burns slowly. In addition, the smoke doesnt taste as bad coming out of a joint, don't know why myself. The effect is noticable, a heavy feeling in the eyes, slight fogginess in the head, and a deep relaxing feeling. The effect does not last very long.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53511
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 1, 2006Views: 10,535
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Salvia splendens (181) : Alone (16), General (1)

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