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Clone's Attack
Citation:   Gav'Ron. "Clone's Attack: An Experience with Clonazepam (exp53543)". Oct 11, 2020.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    repeated oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: A substance(s) in this report might be identified incorrectly. Erowid reviewers question the author's identification of the drug described. Although the report is included in the collection, the substance might be something other than the author believed it to be.]
Intro-info: In the beggining I wold like to inform anybody, that will be reading it, that it was my 1st and last time I've took clones (what me and my homies call them) because 'next day' effects are much more than unpleasant besides I'm well-informed about psycho-actives and pharmaceutics and their influences on human’s brain and organism, and I know that clonazepam is a “Destruction Derby” 4 those. I’ve heard about the shit month before I did tried it out but way back then I was very skeptical about those.

Now “seat back, I’m ‘bout to begin…”

It was last month of the school year. That day I finally made it to pass maths and get promotion to 2nd class of high-school. I was pretty happy and relieved because of the fact I’ve made it.

As usually I’ve phoned my homie Marcel to fix up an hour for our daily weed smoking session (“smoke weed everyday”). When he picked up, I instantly reckonised that something was kinda wrong with him. He was talking that drunken voice, but way more slower.
I’ve asked him: “wassup, we’re smoking or whut?” and he said something like: “I’m not smoking today, but I got clones”. I’ve thought for a while and asked him if he can give me or sell me some. He’d agreed to sell me 1 peel (5mg) for 30 eurocents.

14-15 pm:
Soon after our conversation via celly, he came to see me with one more of my friends (Tomek). Marcel was walking and looking very strange. They sat next to me on the bench, and Marcel pulled out small plastic bag with 2 white peels inside. He had gave me one and ate the other one like a candy. I asked him if he had taken them that day, earlier. He looked at me with his loony eyes – it was an answer. Oppositly to what Marcel had said on the phone, we smoked a lil’ bit of that good green shit. I told them to stay right where we have been, went home for a while, took one clone and went back to the spot. As I was heading there I felt something strange but I wasn’t sure if it was weed or clone influence. I’ve took “ over the fence way” which I never had taken before (the FENCE is pretty high). The actual spot was schoolyard. I went over to Marcel and Tomek with smile on my face. They asked me if I was feeling something and I said “naaaaaaahhh!”. Grabbed stone and a plastic spoon or something and started walkigd the whole place. I were listening to reagge on my disc man which gave me some kind of positive vibe. I remember my homies were playing football with some kids and I did about 20 circles around whole schoolyard listing to the same song on repeat mode.

After about 30 min from taking that peel tomek went home. Me and Marcel went to him. We’ve met his mother on the way there. We were really blown out. We were talking bulshit, laughing and walking like we were totally drunk. Marcel’s mother said that we were kinda dizzy but we refuse still laughed. We went upstairs to his flat to watch those Red & Meth freestytles on the internet. Then I’ve took another one and went to supermarket to buy beer.

IT’S ACTUALLY LAST THING I REMEMBER. My not taking drugs friends asked me if I was on LSD that day so I guess I must’ve been doing some crazy things. My other homie told me few days after Clone’s Attack that I told him that day that there’s nothing better then clones and that I’m not gonna smoke weed anymore so I guess it means I was really extatic, enormously happy and cheerful. The same friend told me that I had given him 2 peels and took 2 more so I guess it means that I’ve bought 4 more from Marcel.

Next day was like a speed sniffing side effects but with lot of puking and much more HORRIBLE!!!!!

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 53543
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 11, 2020Views: 953
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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