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Looking Out From My Corpse
by SMP
Citation:   SMP. "Looking Out From My Corpse: An Experience with DXM (exp5366)". Jan 13, 2002.

4 oz oral DXM (liquid)
Wow, DXM is an experience I will never forget. Ive done acid and other drugs before but Ive never been through something soo intense in my life. Me and 2 other friends, Jen and Candice, decided we wanted to go to the movies and Trip, well LSD was not available that day for us to obtain, so we decided we were gonna do a 'robo trip' instead. We walked down to a local drug store and bought 3 bottles of Robotussin Max. Strength cough syrup (1 bottle per person) making sure the active ingredient was DXM. I had done a robo trip once before but I was only able to consume half a bottle (if even that)and then quit drinking it due to the horrible taste, and nothing happened that 'trip'. Candice had done robo trips before so she was the most experienced between the 3 of us and Jen had never tripped on anything.

We get to the movies early so that we are the first ones in the theater and we can drink our cough syrup alone. Getting this stuff down was not easy at all! ugh it was horrible but we all managed to get a whole bottle down our throats. From what ive read from other experiences, it takes about an hour to hit you... Well not ours, we drank the bottle at about 2:30 pm and it hit us about 10 minutes later. It came on as Feeling really drunk and our bodies started getting numb. Me and Candice thought it was the coolest thing in the world but Jen was just feeling really sick. When we got up and walked around it felt like we were heavily intoxicated and when we went back to our seats in the theater I started seeing little visuals, like trails and color distortion but thats about it, and when I had to step down a step it looked like it was a 5 foot leap. Of course I laugh at everything so when I step off this step I fall flat on my face laughing. and during this point Im thinking this is the Coolest thing in the world. I was wrong.

Jen started feeling really sick and asked us to walk her to the bathroom. We get to the bathroom and she tries to throw up the cough syrup to get it out of her system. Nothing comes up so we leave and as we walk back in the door of the Movie she collapses agint the wall and starts vomiting. After shes done getting rid of the cough syrup from her stomach onto the wall we leave the movie and sit in the hallway of the Theater on a bench. Jen said she felt alot better after that and Candice was having a blast with her numb body, and as for me I start to feel really tired and sick.

What I list next is all I remember and what my friends told me. I remeber sitting on the bench inside the theater and passing out, waking up in the corner of the theater in my friends lap and them laughing at me and asking if I'm feeling anything. I remeber blacking out several time and what seemed Like 50 years was only about 1 minute. My body went completly numb and I could hear myself asking questions like 'what time is it?' and 'am I dead yet?' but i couldnt feel my mouth moving and right after I would ask that I would blank out so I never remember asking it and I would ask those questions repeatly every 2 minutes. eventually I woke up and puked in the movie theater and passed out again and my friend said they started getting really scared when I kept asking 'am U dead yet?', 'am I gonna die?', 'Please, dont let me die' and 'you cant die on this stuff right, cause Im really scared' and people who worked at the theater started getting suspicious so we had to leave (but i dont remember them or my friends saying we had to leave)but I remember passing out again and candice and Jen trying to pick me up and carry my lifeless body outside the theater.

Candice later told me after the trip when she tried to pick me she couldnt feel my muscles at all and it felt exactly like pulling on a dead body. So when we got outside I guess they put me on a bench outside and I passed out and when I awoke Jen nor candice were near me, and I was screaming their name and eventually they ran over to me and I told them to stay with me the rest of the time until we left. Candice got really scared cause I was saying scarey shit and talking about death, that she called her parents and told them what we had done and to come pick us up.

Heres where shit gets really bad and I will NEVER forget this! I remember lying on the bench and couldnt feel ANYTHING, I was just lying there with my eyes open, I couldnt feel myself breathing, Blinking, talking, etc... and I kept saying am I dead yet? but I couldnt feel my mouth moving. I felt like my soul was trapped inside my dead body and I was looking out and i saw the paramedics come, my parents come, and a crowd of people around me and I heard the paramedic's say 'She isnt going to make it' and them rush me to the hospital and I saw myself in the stretcher, hooked up to all these tubes and then the doctor say 'we're sorry but your daughter is dead' and then I saw my Funneral. It was soo Real and sooo scarey but of course all of this was a VERY intense dream and I didnt want to die of stupidity from a drug over dose, and especially from drinking something as stupid as cough syrup.

So I saw my family and friends all around my grave and me in a coffin. then I come back to being a soul in a dead body at the movies, looking out at the world as I lie here dead. Then the most unbeleiveable thing that has ever happened to me happened and who ever reads this is gonna think Im on crack but I swear a light shown down on me and I swear it was god (and I never believed in god until that happened) and my lifeless body came back to life and came back to reality. by that time candices dad finally got there after I have already died, been to the hospital, and had a funneral, but he managed to get there and I fell asleep in the car and woke up in their driveway puking and her parents screaming at us and by now Im just really drunk, and have come way down off my trip and 7:30 is when I was able to talk somewhat normal but all in all it ended at about 9:00pm.

In conclusion, It was scarey as hell and I didnt really go into too much detail about how bad the black outs were but there are no words that can describe how bad it was and hopefully no one will ever experience a trip like I had. I honestly thought I was either going to Die or I was gonna be permanetly skrewed up the rest of my life, and my friends thought the same thing. The next morning I felt EXCELLENT, Jen felt hungover, and candice felt like complete ass. I personally will never do this ever again, but I dont regret it and I think it was an experience well learned and it was wayy to intense for comfort. Certainly doing in a public place like a movie theater was a BIG mistake.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5366
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 13, 2002Views: 41,587
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DXM (22) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), Bad Trips (6)

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