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Destroyed My World
Salvia divinorum (Extract)
by DOC
Citation:   DOC. "Destroyed My World: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (Extract) (exp53673)". Erowid.org. Oct 2, 2020. erowid.org/exp/53673

1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
There I was with my dog in the living room and the girlfriend tucked in upstairs.It was getting on about midnight when I completed my reading about this herb. Generally what I read made it seem not too bad and I was looking forward to a trip to the spirit world. I had the house locked up, unloaded my firearms,and filter was playing on the computer while I sat at the desk in the computer chair. I pat the dog on the head and then proceeded to take as big a hit as I could out of my brand new pyrex bowl. Within 60 seconds I began to feel the drunk feeling that washes over me (minus the nausea). I leaned back in the leather chair and began to watch the video effects on the I-tunes player. The next sensation I had was the feeling of the leather computer chair trying to wrap itself around me,I tried to get up and away from it but fought the urge realizing it was just part of the trip....Then I passed out in the chair.

The next thing I was conscious of was the need to get away as something dangerous (or the feeling of being in danger rather),was threatening me and my dog. I yelled 'lets go chewey, we have to get out of here' and tried to go out the front door which I unlocked but didn't open instead bolting for the side door with the dog leading the way! As I moved through the livingroom to the kitchen, the WORLD crumbled away behind me with every step I took! As I moved through the kitchen and then the side door,exhorting the dog to run away and be safe it seemed as if all reality vanished behind me with every additional step...I was witnessing the destruction of all creation and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it(talk about terrifying). Then my girlfriend called out to me from the upstairs window as I was in the yard in my stocking feet standing stock still in the middle of the backyard,you see I was afraid to get too close to the dog fearing he would be anhialated by the wave of destruction on my heels. I began to feel my lighter in my hand and groped it intensely as this was the tip off to me that it was all part of the trip. After chasing the dog a few blocks(I was OK at this point though feeling some minor physical effects of the plant)my girlfriend related to me(which I have NO recollection of) what occured before I tore ass out of the house. Apparently I let out a bloodcurdling scream described to me as if I was being murdered,whereupon my girl yelled my name to me from upstairs and I replied 'DOC,DOC is there anyone else down here you FUCKING want to talk to.',in what she described as a demonic voice.This is where the events I previously described and my memory came in to play.I promptly threw out the rest of the salvia and would never EVER do it again unless I had a couple of friends standing by and completely sober to watch me. The only drug I have ever done in my life is pot...I have NO prior experience with ANY hallucinogens.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53673
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 2, 2020Views: 877
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Alone (16)

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