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Disconnection From All
by Lurk
Citation:   Lurk. "Disconnection From All: An Experience with 2C-I (exp53828)". Erowid.org. Jan 2, 2020. erowid.org/exp/53828

  oral Alcohol (liquid)
  1 tablet oral 2C-I (pill / tablet)
  1 tablet oral 2C-I (pill / tablet)
I'm writing this mainly as a warning of what went wrong when I tried this drug. I certainly won't be taking it again.

I was introduced to 2C-I as 'being like Ecstacy'. I can categorically state that the effects of this drug are NOTHING LIKE ECSTACY, even if it is in the same family of compounds. It is massively more hallucinogenic and whilst it's peaking has more of a sedative effect. Euphoria does exist, but the same could be said for many hallucinogens. Looking back on the trip now, it was most likely a combination of factors besides just taking the drug that produced some of the ill effects I'm about to describe. That said, I wouldn't risk taking it again. It's not worth it for me personally (especially when mushrooms haven't caused anything like this reaction in me).

New years eve 2005. I was in a good, upbeat mood and happy to see some old friends. We drank and talked for an hour or so. I was waiting for another friend who was going to share the 2C-I, but he was late. Not wanting to wait I took a single tablet.

The effects were pleasant. After about half an hour I experienced mushroom-like hallucinations. The room softened and seemed much warmer, more colourful and inviting, and, after I'd acclimated to the onset of the hallucinations (which I hadn't been expecting) pretty much anything that was said to me seemed utterly hilarious.

I suppose about a further 10/20 minutes or so later I found the hallucinations intensified. The conversations people were conducting began to become quite bothersome, mainly because they were intruding on my mind when it was really pretty busy with the visual and mental aspects. I decided to move next door, somewhere quieter, after assuring everyone I was ok. I sat on the futon and attempted to get a handle on what was going on. The curtains, carpet and pretty much anything else were fascinating, and I kept lapsing in and out of a dream state that I recognized from taking mushrooms. A period of relative lucidity, awareness and stimulation (and generally studying my environment), followed by a period of withdrawing into the minds eye and relative drowsiness/heaviness and inability/lack of desire to move. I experimented by putting some music on. This was a good idea! The experience was very pleasurable, especially mixed in with the various hallucinations, both internal and external. I suppose I whiled away about half an hour in this manner before someone came to check I was alright. Conversation was difficult, but not impossible. Mainly I was content to listen.

My friend who was going to join me in taking the 2C-I arrived. By this point I was back in the living room with everyone else and sat on the floor, listening to a story a teacher friend of mine was relating. The trip had stopped peaking quite so heavily, and I guess this was maybe 2 or 3 hours after I'd taken the tablet. Interestingly my teacher friend seemed to 'soften'. I've never found her attractive, but just then she seemed like one of the funniest and most desirable people possible.

The rest of the evening proceeded in pretty much the same manner until midnight passed, the cheering was over, and me and my friend retired back to my place, where he intended to join me in the trip.

I felt quite jolly and excited on the way back home, assuring my friend that it was a pleasant experience and he would enjoy it. I'd come down a reasonable amount and was quite lucid. I kinda felt like I was on mushrooms by this point.

However, this is where everything started to go wrong. We arrived back, and without further ado I put some music on, and my friend took one of the tablets.

My first mistake was that I joined him by taking another.
My second mistake was undoubtedly not preparing my space well enough.

We were fine for about half an hour (i.e. until the effects started to come on). After this point neither me, nor my friend, were capable of doing any of the essential things that needed doing to make the trip pleasurable. Couldn't communicate, couldn't decide, couldn't be entertained.

I went through what I can only describe as the most distressing existential experience of my life. A feeling of complete disassociation. By this I mean alot of things. I could not choose any music. When I did choose some, it seemed like just the wrong choice. In fact, all the music seemed pretty much the same as the rest. This fact became needlessly distressing. Also I could not relate to my companion. This was really, really upsetting as he is one of the best friends I have. But at this point I felt no emotion for him except discomfort and fear. Mainly, I just wanted him out of the room.

I was struck by a panic that the trip was becoming unpleasant for both of us, and we very nearly began arguing over what the hell we were going to do about it. Ultimately I told him that I didn't know what we were going to do and that the best idea was probably for us to seperate off and try and get some sleep. I haven't got a clue whether this made things worse or better.

Once I was on my own the detachment got worse. I didn't have to worry about trying to communicate or entertain anymore, but that was replaced by a different feeling. I felt like a shell. Like there was no connection between human beings, or between us and the universe. I felt utterly, completely and pointlessly alone. Like, for all the millions of people on the planet, there was no chance for communication. And also that any action, thought or interaction was without any weight or meaningful consequence and truly worthless. I was debilitated. Anything I could have done during that time lost all value, and I was also very distressed that I felt the same about my friend. Rather than being a wonderful person I love to see, he became a burden. A lump of flesh that I couldn't feel anything about except perhaps fear.

I felt like a body, virtually without any mental attachments. I just sat and stared at the computer screen for at least 3/4 of an hour. There didn't seem to be any reason to do anything else. I was just a body, floating in space, without purpose or meaning. Subsequent action seemed irrelevant.

I could only manage that for a while. I turned off the lights and crawled into bed. I have no recollection of sleeping, only trying to sleep. I was trapped in a very painful world and I think I spent most of the night obsessing that my friend might be dead or feeling lost in the other room. I wanted to check but was too afraid that I might be right. I just lay there tossing and turning, hallucinating and waiting to die. I did think I'd permanently damaged my mind for good. I must have hallucinated a lot of other things, but I don't remember them, and whatever they were, they weren't pleasant. I lay in the dark without any hope, just a lot of fear.

I must have fallen asleep eventually because daylight came. When I woke I was still afraid my friend might be dead. I went to check on him and he was ok. A bit later on, once he'd woken up, we sat and discussed what had happened. He has a much stronger constitution than me and he hadn't taken 2 tablets. Also he isn't as prone to introspection, so he wasn't as disturbed. I felt very shaky and unable to deal with people for the rest of the day. I knew I had been to a very bad place and that I never ever wanted to go back there again. I still had difficulty communicating, not because I couldn't talk, but because I felt disturbed on some very fundamental level. I was ok from the following day.

Anyway, I made a few foolish errors. Taking 2 tablets was a bad idea, especially as we were swapping one house for another, and one group of people for just us 2. Also I would rule out being able to 'make your own entertainment' on this drug. The walk back to my home was very pleasant, as was the initial party, when I had only taken one tablet. As soon as matters of choice or decision came into play, it all fell apart. I would recommend being an experienced tripper before taking this, or making damn sure there are some sane, sensible people about to keep you occupied. I enjoyed walking home alot, so maybe physical activity is useful, but that was when I was off the peak of the first tablet. I even think having a playlist already set up on my computer, so I wouldn't have to make any decisions, would have helped enormously.

All the same, I've taken other hallucinogenics and this is the single most unpleasant experience I've ever had on them. I won't be going near it again.

Exp Year: 2005-2006ExpID: 53828
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 2, 2020Views: 1,024
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2C-I (172) : First Times (2), Bad Trips (6), Music Discussion (22), Relationships (44), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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