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Pleasure into Pain
Ecstasy & LSD
Citation:   Fozzi. "Pleasure into Pain: An Experience with Ecstasy & LSD (exp5388)". Feb 27, 2001.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  2 hits oral LSD (liquid)
I had already taken LSD twice before my first experience with MDMA, if that is what it was seeing as how now and days you don't know what you are getting. Starting in July of '99 I began taking MDMA on a every one to two weeks on a regular basis. Everytime resulted in the ' midweek blues ' and I found myself sick with a cold or flu AT LEAST once a month but this did not stop me from ' dropping E. ' Someone mentioned that LSD taken with MDMA makes the experience more intense and last longer, so I tried it. The feeling of absolute peace and an inner knowledge of serenity throughout the world WAS even more intense than previous experiences along with the hightened visuals experienced with LSD.

I continued use of MDMA for the following months with the occasional hit of LSD until November of '99. As I was driving to work one morning, all of a sudden I felt a wave of heat wash over my body and I felt all the sensations and feeling associated with MDMA except I hadn't ingested any for over a week! The trip continued for the following five hours while I was at work and then all of a sudden I began to have hallucinations associated with this point I began to fear that I was permanantly messed up and that my brain would never function normal again.

I continued to have hallucinations for TWO DAYS and I prayed for sanity. By the third day the hallucinations stopped and I returned to 'reality.' I have asked several people about this experience and no one I have come across has yet to go through what I did. Ever since that day...I have experieced pain in my back, right between my shoulder blades...and it has yet to go away. I wouldn't wish this on anyone and I have yet to find any answers as to why my back is messed up now.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5388
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 27, 2001Views: 5,012
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LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Various (28), Post Trip Problems (8), Combinations (3)

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