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The Inner Adventure
H.B. Woodrose & Coffee
Citation:   Revolvmg. "The Inner Adventure: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose & Coffee (exp54091)". Sep 16, 2009.

T+ 0:00
1 tsp oral Ginger  
  T+ 0:00 2 cups oral H.B. Woodrose (tea)
  T+ 1:00 2 cups oral Coffee (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 1 cup oral H.B. Woodrose (tea)
Previous experience: Loads of alcohol & cannabis

The very first time I took HBWR seeds, I wanted to avoid the nausea.
I didn't eat for 6-7 hours. I removed the light-brownish husks with
nails and a knife. I chew 4 seeds for 15 minutes and then I spitted
everything out. It didn't work so well. In one particular moment I
felt like I was totally numb and later on I felt like I was going
to fell asleep. I also smoked some hashish because I didn't really
believe the seeds we're working. And while I was doing this I drank
couple of beers. I usually drink & smoke alot, but this time I was
so tired after all this shit I just wanted to get some sleep. I
can't truly tell if I was intoxicated by the seeds or not.

The next morning, I prepared for the nausea. First I removed once
again carefully the light-brownish husks from the seeds. Then I
ground up 6 seeds in 3 different cups, each holding 2 seeds.
I boiled some mineral water, let it cool down to 60 celsius and
added that into every cup. I waited for 2-3 hours for the mixtures
to cool down into room temperature. I also didn't eat anything for
4 hours. Just 10 minutes before I started to ingest the actual
mixture, I ate a teaspoonfull of ginger. Some people claim it
helps avoiding the nausea. The taste of ginger is not so pleasant.
It burns all the way down my throat and into my stomach.

After the 'ginger hell' I drank 2 cups of my mixture, so I had
ingested total of 4 seeds. After 15-20 minutes, I started to feel
light-headed. I had to resist the vomiting. Ginger was still burning
and the seeds really did make me wanna throw up. I knew I had to.
Still, I resisted. It was quite difficult to relax or to walk, I
felt like I was a bit drunk and I wanted to vomit. I decided to wait
for 60 minutes, and then I would throw up if I had to. Right after
this I realized, I could control my feelings quite well. I could
sing along with some piece of music and forget the urge for vomiting.
I believed I could control these kind of feelings, I believed it was
all in my head. I carefully chose good songs to make me feel better.
And it did. I also did some things I really like, playing guitar,
singing & such. All these things made me feel even better. Then
suddenly, I remembered last night, and I recalled I had feelings
quite like this, and I enjoyed it.

The only downside, besides the urge for vomiting, was the feeling
of drowsyness... I even made some coffee just to keep me awake.
Then I wanted to drink the last cup of 2 seeds mixture I made earlier.
I drank it and went to see my friend. I still felt like I was only a bit
drunk. When I reached my friends residence, we watched a video and smoked
some cannabis. I told my friend what I had done and he didn't seem to care,
I felt like I had no-one to tell this.

Then, from out of nowhere, appeared a new world in front of me.
I started to realize things from a totally new perspective.
I knew I had to leave immediately. The information that kept
coming from things I did there was too much. I told my friend
I couldn't concentrate for what we we're doing because I was
somewhere else, doing something else. And then I left.

When I was walking back home, I saw a group of people who were
sitting in a bar nearby. They all arose and left the bar as soon
as I walked by. At first, I thought to myself, am I that horrible?
Then I realized they split up because they were going somewhere else.
It was the relief of my life. And as I continued walking back home,
I saw some elderly people as well, they looked at me and I swear,
I knew exactly what they were thinking. So I reacted differently,
and I saw how it affected them. I believed I could control this
situation. It was all just a matter of understanding gestures.
And those gestures had always been there for me. But only now, I could
understand those gestures so well that I could control the situation.
I was quite polite and I enjoyed it. And it made me feel good too.

When I got back home, I saw my entire life like a book. It was all
there. I just never realized it, because it didn't have any meaning.
By looking any object I own, I saw where it had come from, why it
was there, why I liked it and why I chose to keep it. I remembered
all the things it had been through, where was it made, who had played
with it and so on... In my everyday life, I pass by many things
I have gathered throughout my years of existence like it didn't
mean anything to me. Well it does. I just never stop there to
see and understand the meaning of it all. But this time I could see.
I was so overwhelmingly happy of all the objects I had received from
thousands of different sources it made me smile. It made me cherish
life itself.

Then I got an another idea. I wanted to record a video of myself
thinking these kinds of things. In case I would forget how happy I was.
It was a difficult task. I had to remind myself of what I was doing
for every 5 seconds. I just saw the camera and I remembered every little
recording the camera had ever recorded and every little detail of the
camera made me remember where it was damaged and so on... When I finally
managed to assemble it, I started recording. It was impossible to speak
those things which were inside my head. It was all too much. When I
opened my mouth and said something, my mouth froze and I was left
speechless, dreaming. Every sentence I started, ended prematurely as
my mind drifted away with the memories I encountered everywhere I gazed
upon. This is when I decided not to record anymore.

I went to my bed to lie down and enjoy. I have no idea how long I was
there, since time had no meaning at all. Or at least, I didn't care.
The rest of my trip I embraced life and tried to focus my thoughts
to gain understanding of life. And I did understand. The trip
was over in about 6 hours or so, and I started to feel the after
effects. I called my friend to come see me and apologized why
I was so rude earlier. He said he understanded why I did it, and
I understanded it too. We smoked some pot, watched some videos and
had a great time. Afterwards we just fell asleep.

At the first time, I didn't take enough seeds and my technique was
totally incorrect. The next time I drank the seed mixtures I was
successful and had just the right amount. I had some slight visuals
too, not worth mentioning though. The inner adventure I had was so
much more. I still feel happy about my journey, and I believe my
journey was successful because my timing was right. My life was so
perfect at the time it reflected my trip very pleasantly. Also I would
like to point out the side-effects I had, the terrible nausea at first
and the hangover which included 'foggy' mind, thirst and numb legs.
Still, it was the price to pay and I will certainly do this again.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54091
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 16, 2009Views: 5,463
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H.B. Woodrose (26) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Multi-Day Experience (13), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Various (28)

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