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New Love for Life
by SEP
Citation:   SEP. "New Love for Life: An Experience with MDMA (exp54317)". Erowid.org. Jul 2, 2018. erowid.org/exp/54317

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
My first time to experience E was to see two girls each on half a pill. One was puking in the toilet and the other was bouncing around like she was possessed. My friend says 'weve got to try it!' No thanks, was my reply. Several months later, while in the navy, I went to a city in Connecticut to pick up my buddy who was transferring back to my site. He tells me he has a surprise for me. I was with V, two other guys I didnt know, two people who didnt roll and a girl, m. We each dropped a mitsubishi.

While we were standing in line at the club, it was chilly out, so I began to bounce around a little bit. All the guys were asking me, 'do you feel it?' Feel what I thought to myself. I felt a tingle staart in my toes and go to my hair on my head. The one street light became extremely bright, and a simple rub on the shoulder felt amazing. The stranger in front of me turns and smiles. I felt like I knew him forever. I am normally a shy person, but when I stepped in the club, after trying to converse with the bouncer, I was a free soul. M grabbed me and gave me a blowpop. It was too sweet to keep in my mouth. The music pulsed through me and the hugs were wonderful. Girls I didnt know commented on how friendly I was. M made me promise that I would only roll with her. At the time, I didnt know why. Later, when she went to the washroom, I knew why. I found myself talking to girls that I wouldnt even think of normally. I took another pill when my peak started to die off, it was still early, and I didnt want this night to end. V pulled me to sit on a speaker, and gave me water and red bull. When the second pill hit, I began to see the visual effects. People wrote on me with highlighters and sprayed neon green in my hair. Vicks was introduced to me, which I hated when I was a kid. Glowsticks and lights became like lights from heaven. After my third pill hit, I didnt want to move. Seven of us sat on the floor and massaged each other. It was amazing.

I have rolled many times since. It has made me a more open and happy person. I have forged relationships that are life long. Without trying E, I was headed on a downward spiral. I was full of anger and issues from my childhood. E has allowed me to talk about it and find love from people outside my family. I wouldnt trade my experiences for the world.
I was full of anger and issues from my childhood. E has allowed me to talk about it and find love from people outside my family. I wouldnt trade my experiences for the world.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 54317
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 2, 2018Views: 839
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MDMA (3) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Club / Bar (25)

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