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My Magical Trip
LSD & Cannabis
by M
Citation:   M. "My Magical Trip: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp54407)". Aug 29, 2007.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Ever since I joined the military I encountered many people, that have done various drugs. I had only tried Cannabis, and told myself I would never try anything else. The drug that caught my attention the most was LSD. Many of my friends in the military had boasted about there trips, wild hallucinations, uncontrollable laughter, and a very strong mood lift. Naturally after hearing all these testimonials, I decided I had to experience this phenomenon.

It was 2am, and a friend that I will refer to as D, questioned me about trying some LSD with him. He had remained at my house while the rest of my roommates left to a nightclub. At first I was very hesitant, but I agreed. He pulled out a 3 mircoscopic paper tabs, 1 for myself and two for him. I was instructed to place the tab on my tongue for 1 hour. To pass the time we watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I could not concentrate on the movie. I was too busy waiting to feel the effects. As we lay on my bed, D asked me if one of my posters was moving. I looked up at my wall and suddenly it hit me like a train.

Uncontrollable laughter. I was laughing so hard a sharp pain began to develop in my ribs. I tried to calm myself down, but had no control overmyself. I burried my head in a pillow and lost control. After 5 minutes had passed, I was able to stop. I told D I had to use the restroom. I stood up on the bed and felt as if I was floating on thin air. As I made my way to the door, D warned me to be careful, in his exact words 'Be careful out there man, its a whole nother world'. I had no idea how right he was.

As I entered the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror. My pupils had become dilated. I couldnt control my jaws, it was as if someone had streched them permanently into a smile. I remember feeling a sharp pain the back of my head, it was as if I could feel the drug entering my brain. I quickly went to the bathroom and thought how wierd it felt. I went back into my room and told D I wanted to explore. He agreed. We walked downstairs slowy, like two elderly gentlemen. Everything was increasing and decreasing in size. A vine like pattern appeared on the stairs carpet.

I had to hold the railing to walk down. Everytime I would look at D, it felt as if he was walking like the character Jack from the Nightmare Before Christmas. I mentioned to D that I felt very hot and my stomach was upsetting me. We made our way to the kitchen and drank about 6 cups of water each. D said it would make my body temperature remain steady. We sat down on the couch and began to discuss how our trip was going. That conversation ended quickly. I became distracted with everything around me. The walls were breathing, the window shades were creating strange shadows, my heart was beating extremely quick, and I saw trails of lights almost everywhere I looked. Yellow, White, and Red lights flew at me. I had a strong urge to go walking.

So we both decided to go walk to the park across the street. Outside everything was beautiful. The breeze felt refreshing against my skin. The stars shined with a spectacular glow. I glanced over at my car, and it felt as if it was growing in size. Before we made it off the driveway we both decided to smoke some Cannabis. We made our way back inside and smoked about 1 gram. We had 1 gram left and decided it was best to save it for when we were comming down.

We quickly made our way back to the outside world. The street lights lit up houses with an eary glow. Shadows moved all around us as we made our way to the park. We walked a few times around the park and talked the entire time. We laughed and bonded together. I had known D for about 2 months, but never had the opportunity to have a real conversation with him. When I had first met him, I thought all we had in common was a passion for playing guitar, but I learned alot about D this trip. We walked for about 20 minutes and made our way back inside. It had been about 3 hours since we had taken the tab.

As we made our way back to the house my roomates with some friends had arrived home. We explained to them we were tripping, and they asked us how everything was going. D and I made our way upstairs along with S. We decided to watch some Aquateen and that's when everything changed. D and S were laying on the bed watching the show. I decided to use my pc. I couldn't concentrate on anything. The monitor was shrinking and increasing in size. Words were unreadable, the brightness off the screen hurt my eyes, and I felt a little uneasy in my stomach. So I decided to lay down on the floor and watch the show.

Colors flew out of the tv at me. I was amazed by the display. I couldn't concentrate on what D and S were talking about, but when I finally could, it was to late. D was panicking about overdosing on the 2 tabs. He kept on saying he was going to die, and S was trying to calm him down, but her attempts were to no avail. I sat up and laughed, I couldn't help myself. I knew I shouldn't of been, but I couldn't help it. I grabbed my ipod and ran downstairs to the couch. I knew my laughter would not help the bad trip situation. I layed down and put on my Korn cd. Even though I was listening to my favorite band, I really didnt have much intrest in the song. I was to occupied staring at the tree outside my sliding glass door to the backyard.

It seemed as if the tree was getting closer to me. I felt as if the tree was preparing to attack me. I lay there on the couch laughing outloud at the thought of the tree attacking me. S walked downstairs and exited through the front door. I followed behind. When I made it outside, I could not find S. It was like she disappeared. I walked towards the park in search of her. The street lights glared at me, and in the darkness of the park, I saw shadows moving. There was a corn field across the street, and I thought to myself people were in there watching me. I freaked myself out so bad, I ran towards my house. As I made it to the driveway a voice whispered 'M do you want a hit'. I searched for the voice but couldn't find it. I thought to myself it was the LSD messing with my head.

Again I hear it, 'M do you want a hit'. I quickly turned to the direction I heard the voice from, and saw S and her friend K sitting in K's car. I sat in the car and smoked about another gram with S and K. D later walked outside and joined us in the car, but began to feel uncomfortable in the car. We were sitting in the back seat, and it was a little cramped. So he left and went back inside.

I lit up a cig, and began to play with it. I swirled it around in the air, I was amazed by the light trail it left behind. I exited the car and layed down on the hood of my car. I stared into the night sky and lost myself in the stars. I thought about my life, my friends, how well my experience was going. I was in a great state of mind, and life couldn't of been better. I smiled and grabbed hold of my dogtags. Staring up into the nightsky I bed farewell to all my fallen friends I lost overseas. I walked towards my door and noticed it felt like it grew 20 feet. I messed around with my keys until I found the proper one. I figided around with the lock for about 5 minutes until I got the door open. I walked inside and before shutting the door, I glanced outside once more. I took in a deep breath and smiled.

I made my way upstairs to find D and S laying in bed. He had overcome his bad trip and was watching the critic. I turned on the blacklight in my room and lost myself exploring my room. I kept telling D that the Al Capone poster was looking at me. He said he felt the same way. I stared at my lavalamp, and lost myself in it for awhile. I stared at the bubbles traveling up and down in a almost robotic pattern. I layed on the bed with D And S and we shut the movie off. D pulled out his laptop and played some soothing music.

During that time I thought alot about myself. Where I was going in life, what my plans for the future were, who I really was. I learned alot about myself. S left later on and D and I remained. We both agreed we had reached our peaks, and our trip was going down. We smoked the last of our Cannabis and stayed up talking about our trip for an hour. I later dropped him off at home, and returned to my house. I lay in bed trying to fall asleep, but I just couldnt. I remember before I took the tab I was almost asleep. Now I was wide awake. I remember thinking how funny it was such a small piece of paper could cause such a big effect. I lost myself in my thoughts and drifted to sleep.

I will never forget this experience. I made a great friend and I learned many things about myself. This was truely a life changing experience.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54407
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 29, 2007Views: 5,251
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LSD (2) : Relationships (44), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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