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Holy Sh!t!!!!!!
Citation:   Flowbass. "Holy Sh!t!!!!!!: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp54453)". Mar 12, 2008.

1 hit smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
I ordered 100 mg of 5-MeO-DMT from an online retailer without ever having tried it. I had just finished reading 'The Spirit Molecule' by Rick Strassman. The book is an excellent read and I recommend it to anyone interested in the psychedelic experience. Although Strassman was working with pure DMT I have heard that 5-MeO-DMT is very similar and knew(as much as you can) what could happen. I have done a fair amount of mushrooms, E, mdma, lsd, meth, cocaine, etc but nothing even comes close to comparing with my 5-MeO-DMT experience.

A week before my large dose I had taken a tiny puff to see how strong it was. This puff was just enough for some slightly trippy effects such as patterns in the wall, etc. Nothing major. One thing I did notice was the tendency for my heart to race, not from the drug itself, but from the anxiety of doing it. It is kinda scary stuff!

A week later on a lazy Sunday afternoon I decided to try a larger dose. I settled on one large hit out of a bubble(speed pipe). My girlfriend was not home and I made sure my phone was turned off. It may be a good idea for some people to do this drug with a sitter but I enjoy tripping alone. I loaded up about what I guessed was 15 mg or so. After loading the pipe I sat quietly on my bed, eyes closed, taking deep breaths and making sure my pulse was as close to normal as possible. When my heart tends to race before doing drugs because anxiety I do some deep breathing. I sat up to take a hit and made sure that I had a place to put the pipe and that I could lay down on the bed easily.

I took the hit and was surprised to find that the smoke did not taste too bad. While holding in the smoke I put the pipe safely away from me and laid down with my head on the pillow. Looking up, the ceiling began to fade out and my vision was fading as I blew out the smoke. There was a ringing sound as I went under.

The rest of the trip is very hard to describe and also difficult to remember. I can only describe my experience as a brief look at a higher or different form of conciseness and a total out of body experience. I can’t remember what happened at the beginning of the trip so well. It was mostly black with some patterns and weird ringing and buzzing sounds if I recall, which I’m not sure if I do.

The first, and really the only thing, that I clearly remember well is realizing how amazing this thing happening to my consciousness was and discovering that I was screaming “HOLY SHIT!!!!!” over and over again at the top of my lungs. It was an ecstatic. I was filled with wonder and total surprise at what I had discovered. I don’t think I was screaming out loud because my neighbors greeted my normally when I walked outside 45 minutes later. While screaming it seemed that I was becoming aware of what the human mind or spirit is capable of. It was a level of consciousness that I can’t even put into words.

After screaming for a while I began to get used to this amazing feeling. I remember thinking to myself, “I’m not sure if I will recover from this. Can I come back?” Whether I could or not did not matter. There was no fear and I did not feel like I was dying, which seems to be a common experience with this drug. It was sheer and utter amazement. My body/spirit/whatever, I’m not sure, felt great. As I was feeling this great positive power I believe my ego began to creep back in. I have suffered some depression in my life(just like everyone else-ha!) and it was comparable to the end of the really intense part of the trip. I felt like I was spiraling down into the circular negative thinking about myself that was typical of depression. This feeling ended soon and did not leave me with a negative feeling afterwards. I began thinking about my life and future in a positive light.

Finally I was able to open my eyes. It was at this point and right before I could open my eyes that it felt like there was another presence in my head with me. I could see but I could not control my body. It felt like the presence was having fun with me. Like it could make me move if it wanted to. I started laughing. My head fell to one side and a tear rolled out of my eye, clouding my vision. It felt like the presence was trying to get me to focus on the tear and the visual distortion in it and that I was battling/playing with it for power over what I could focus on. It was a very funny feeling. As the feeling faded I said goodbye to the presence and eventually sat up. I felt ecstatic and called my girlfriend and left a message saying, “holy shit.”

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54453
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2008Views: 7,847
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Glowing Experiences (4), Entities / Beings (37), Depression (15), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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