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Good Tasting Recipe
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   Sound for Gaia. "Good Tasting Recipe: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp54499)". May 14, 2018.

1 cup oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (liquid)
Hello Everyone,

I live in Ecuador where San Pedro cactus grows all around. I baught a cactus for USD $12. It was about a 1.2 meters high and had seven ribs. Well straight to the point, I used the Peruvian Shaman's method to cook the cactus.

First of all, I always ask permission to the plant for me to proceed with what I are doing.
I took out the spines by cutting a little channel where the spines are. then I cut the green layer of the cactus about a 3/4cm inside, just enough to get all the thick green skin and some internal white 'flesh'. I did this to a piece of cactus of about 40cm in length.

Proceded to put all these pieces in a blender and make a form of 'green soup'. I boiled this with two liters of water for two hours adding four teaspoons of sugar every fifteen minutes. In the beggining of the boiling I need to stir it so it doesnt overflow. after the first half hour I can just leave it to boil and check it every half hour. Once I have just a layer in the bottom of my pan I can put this on a t-shirt or some cloth and filter the liquid out until this ball of leftover material is dry. I can mix the extracted San Pedro juice with some orange juice and drink without using my nose!

note: I boiled this infront of my parents, they had no clue because I told them I was doing a cactus skin treatment. Oh and the effects don't come until an hour later. I enjoyed listening to Psychedelic Trance music or Goa Trance.


Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54499
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 14, 2018Views: 1,043
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Unknown Context (20), Personal Preparation (45), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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