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Tripping at a Secluded Beach With Others
Citation:   E-Z-C-K-J. "Tripping at a Secluded Beach With Others: An Experience with LSD (exp54587)". Jan 22, 2020.

1 hit   LSD
I tripped on acid on a saturday night with my boyfriend, another couple and a friend of ours whose boyfriend was babysitting us.

So we got into my friends car with our friend, J and took it at 1 AM, after which we drove to the beach. We all sat around talking on a blanket in front of the water and said we weren't sure if it was kicking it but something seemed 'different' which is when K and I began feeling energized, while Z said he felt nauseous. While Z was laying on the blanket, K and I did cartwheels and ran down the beach laughing and commenting on how we felt like we were regaining our childhood.

Before we felt it really kick in, J's boyfriend came and decided to babysit us, so that J could trip too.

After the nausea passed, Z suggested we do this thing his uncle suggested where we stare at the headlights of a car and then look at the sky.. Upon which, it looked like the trees and sky were on fire... The headlights really set off my visuals.. At first I kept seeing the sunrise over and over upon itself on the horizons of different cities around the world.. And then I was seeing ufo's breaking through the clouds, the stars were turning blue, yellow and red and taking turns dropping into the ocean, and then I kept seeing little eiffel towers with peace signs behind them in the sky.

Z and I had amazing conversation all night... K and I had fun doing cartwheels and running around with glowsticks. C thought he was Dionyssus, the god that brings fire from the gods to man ('Think about it man, I brought you acid! I bring you fire!').. And for awhile K kept proclaiming that she was Aphrodite. Which is when she looked at me deadserious and goes 'I want to be a drug addict. I never want to be sober again!' and ran off like a madman with her pink glowstick. For awhile, I really thought she was Glenda the Good Witch and kept telling her so.

There were a couple times when I sat on the beach, letting the water wash over me and I thought I was going to melt into it, and all of existence and eternity. Talk about Zen moments where I am one with the universe. I feel like that often, especially at the beach at night, but not that intensely.

Then we sat quietly and watched the sun come up talking about various introspective, philosophical things, after which the orangy moss was turning pink for me the longer I starred at it.. And while that happened I kept seeing cities and angels in the clouds and kept thinking a chariot was going to fly across the sun... Then Z and I went on an adventure, exploring and climbing over rocks and coral.

After that, the 5 of us went to get breakfast, still tripping somewhat, just laughing our asses off at everything... Then we went through a car wash, blaring 'Daytripper' (The Beatles have it right man.) and singing Beatles songs the whole way home.

Overall, it was a great trip.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54587
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 22, 2020Views: 686
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