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Gave Me a Whole New Perspective
Methamphetimine & Cannabis
Citation:   Eveldorean. "Gave Me a Whole New Perspective: An Experience with Methamphetimine & Cannabis (exp54655)". Apr 20, 2007.

250 mg IV Methamphetamine
    repeated smoked Cannabis
    repeated smoked Methamphetamine
  5 tablets oral Pharms - Diazepam
I have been a more than casual E user for the past 5 months, taking 4-5 pills every week to two weeks, depending on the availability. I have an addictive personality as well which I have tested with pot, alcohol, and food. Aside from those I have also had a little brush with cocaine and have tried freebasing once with a good friend. I enjoy doing drugs both by myself and with friends though with company is more enjoyable obviosly. Some of the best times I've had on MDMA was with my friends watching American History X and Doom over and over. It seems we couldn't get enough of skin heads and 'Level 5 Quarantines'.

My mom has never pryed at my drug use which I am greatful for now but it may end up hurting me in the future. She always has told me to keep everything in moderation whatever it was as not to have it take control of my life. Knowing this I never backed down from available drugs except crack and heroin. Some new tenants moved in next door who seemed to be very cool and looked like hard core druggies. I got to know both of them quite well and am very good friends with them now. They were both gay and loved to party on drugs. I will refer to the butch as Jay and the more flamboyant as Marco as not to bait them out.

Jay was a casual chemical user going to new levels every weekend with Meth, G, E, and eating insane amounts of hash cookies. He has a steady supply of valium which he uses for the comedowns to function at work the next monday, which he always links to me when we get fucked up. Valium is a wonderful Pharm that can give me a helping hand during the worst of comedowns. Jay also loved to dabble in amyl nitrate (poppers) for sexual purposes which I tried and dislike right away due to the headache which usually follows after.

Marco is a nurse for Sick Kids who is prety much an intellect in dealing with drugs and the users. He has been off and on with chems for years so he says. I have seen him snort meth once but that was it after he had a very hard comedown and was forced to take 5 Vs to put him to sleep. I always wondered how Jay could do alot of drugs and still funtion during the week and was very surprised when I found out: he takes an intramuscular injection of Vitamin B Complex right in his ass cheek every morning.

It started out with the occasional blast of his bong packed with a little meth. Those small shards were enough to send me to another dimension in which I ran at 100 miles per hour it felt. I smoked it multiple times over a period of 2 months. About 6 days in total were spent on meth. The greatest thing about it was it the high was the same everytime. Each time I took it I felt more and more liberated from all my friends who I thought were above me. Every since I have taken meth I have become a different person so to say. That person who I became was more understanding with better morals. Never once did I think about the dirtyness and addictiveness of meth but soon realised both when I was craving through the week subconciously.

One friday about a month ago I stopped by Jay and Marcos house for our usual meth session. I saw he had a spoon lying out with a bag of cotton next to it. After seeing how high he was I immediatly knew that he had taken a shot in the mainline. I grabbed my usual 1/4 gram bag for 20$ and broke up half to blast it in the bong with his torch lighter. When I asked for the lighter he said to me 'Want me to shoot you up instead its pretty cool'. Already stoned off weed I thought 'Why the hell not' I mean it is just one shot and my breath won't smell like burnt plastic.

He then told me to go pick up more needles for our adventure so I proceeded to the nearest Shoppers Drug Mart down the street. I ordered a 10 piece bag of 0.5cc diabetic sryinges with a half inch needle. They were really cheap and I decided to buy them with my own money and double back to cook up. When I got back he gave me the run down for the prep that will never leave my mind most likely.

I microwaved a mug of spring water for 2 minutes while I bent a spoon flat not to have it wobble while sucking it into the syringe. I poured half my 1/4g into the spoon and mixed it around with the but end of the needle in bout 0.5cc of water. There were little transparent shards in the mixture so I gently heated it with a jet lighter until it was consistant. I put a little ball of cotton in the liquid and let it absorb for a few seconds and proceeded to fill my syringe. I pulled back on the plunger slowly while making sure my needle never touched the metal of the spoon, as this would cause the tip to bend.

Once I pulled all the liquid through I capped 'er off and headed upstairs to the bathroom with Jay. Marco just sat on the couch watching tv as he always did when we would indulge in chems. I guess he was entertained enough by us most of the time. I sat on the toilet while Jay was sitting on the tub rim. I didn't need to tie off because he said my veins were fresh enough. I didn't feel nervous about injecting this foriegn substance into my blood, just the damn prick of the needle is what I feared. I closed my eyes as he slowly inched towards my vien located at the juntion between my bicep and forearm.

I opened my eyes after I felt a prick which wasn't bad at all since the needle was really thin. I saw a little cloud of blood ooze into the liquid when he pulled back. At this point we looked at each other and I said 'go for it' wanting to be launched into the fifth dimension. He pushed the plunger in quickly which felt like nothing.

He then advised me to count back from ten and get up and walk a bit. As I got up after number 5 I felt my body lighten and a warm methy tingle went over my whole body. Then slowly but surely within the next five minutes (felt like an hour), I felt an intense blast never felt before in my life. I waved my arms which felt like I was flying, started hopping and I stepped which felt as if I jusped 30 feet in the air.

We walked downstairs and proceeded to talk and smoke pot. I took entire half gram bowls of weed in one hit which was before impossible for me to do. The meth opened my lungs up 10 times more and made me feel like a frieght train on nitro. We talked about god knows what for 2 hours before I had to leave to do security for a friends birthday party. Biking there felt like hours in and felt as if I flew the entire way. Every car that drove by felt inferior but I knew this was a side effect of a meth high.

I got to the party and quickley introduced myself to every single person there regardless of age. After making aquaintances with everybody I started dancing in the main ball room. Mostly punk and rap were playing the whole night with two big techno songs. I grinded (hip hop/rap danced) with a couple of gorls who seemed to be interested in my openess. From these dances I met one girl who seemed to follow me around and kept talking to me. She had no idea I had injected meth that night and still has no clue. Ever since then we have been dating and building a relationship which seems to be flourishing right now.

Every time I talked to someone it seemed like I left an impression good or bad but I didn't care because I was flying. I dipped into the cooler to get many drinks to satisfy my thirst which was outrageous. Afterwards I hit up a bowl of the rest of the meth with a good freind of mine who I have done meth with once before. We got so high that we lost each other at the party. I think he was hung up over a recent breakup and wanted to go fix it and thought he could, which I know for a fact didn't work out because I happen to be good friends with both parties.

I went home and smoked alot of pot and reminised on the new relationship I just aquired. The girl called me the next day and we really hit it off. I was still high the next day and still running at about 3/4 of what I was the previous night. Since I was still high I felt like partying some more and coudn't wait until I got to my friend Andreas birthday party. Everybody was suspicious of what I was on and I told them I had just done some E. The story worked out very well and no one followed up on it.

The girls got me to select some music for their listening since all they had was usual pop and country which I couldn't stand. I downloaded some really good hip hop songs and we all jammed to them drinking lots of liquor. They were making pina coloadas and margueritas which tasted absolutely amazing and satisfied my craving for sugar. Most of us stayed up till 5 in the morning just talking about random stuff. I never talked that much for so long to his day.

I was now about at 1/4 of what I was running at the previous night and couldn't sleep for one minute. I'd just lay there staring at the ceiling while my buddy rounded 3rd base with a chick. The two were sleeping on the pull out while I slept on the other couch. The drunk idiots thought I was sleeping the whole time and really thought they were slick. Finally they fell asleep at about 8 in the morning and I could chill out and enjoy the end of my buzz. At about 10:00 in the morning I got up and was still feeling jittery but not high. I went to pack a bowl of weed in my pipe when I noticed my baggie that had the glass in it. The fucker was packed with shards all along the sides which was enough for two blasts. I went outside and packed em both in and blasted up again and was in up and away once again.

I went back and started drawing for about 1 hour till everyone woke up one by one. My buddy Cody (one of the two on the pull-out) said that they didn't sleep till later on but couldn't really remeber what time they fell asleep. It was histerical to see the look on their faces when I told them they fell asleep around 8 because I was wide awake. It was funny to hear about and talk about it with every body for the next 3 hours. We smoked joints and I finished my 3rd pack of smokes and cracked my fourth which was starting to taste gross. We all took the 45 minute busride home not saying much.

I went home and met up with my neighbour who had just done another shot. He was gearing up for the gay pride march after party. He gave me several Valiums which I popped back instantly because it was time to come down. I forced myself to sleep for 2 hours which felt amazing for my body. I got and tried to eat something but I wasn't hungry at all even though I hadn't eaten for 3 days. To my amazement my stomach was completely flat, my arms were toned and my legs felt skinnier. I smoked cigg after cigg and toked a few joints to ease my mind. I can't remeber most of what happened that day but I remember spending alot of time in my room watching movies I'd seen before. Before I knew it, it was 11pm and my body was feeling tired naturaly for the first time since friday. I had a restless sleep but maged to squeeze 5 hours tossing and turning from a little headache. I had to take one T3 (tylenol #3) to get rid of a little back pain that I had gotten from trying to sleep on the couch at Andreas.

This whole experience was breathtaking even though I had a three day sketchy after glow. Looking back I broke a barrier that not alot of people in my group would partake in. My only regret is that I won't be able to tell them about it even experience something similar with them because they're simply not on the same page as me. The time that has past as been quick since and I keep finding myself dreaming about it through the day. Some times I crave the rush but mostly I just look back and am fulfilled by the good memories I got from it.

It will probably happen again it a long while and I wont shoot myself in the foot now and say I won't get addicted because I probably will. I've also heard of cotton fever which ive seen my nieghbour go through once very recently. He got cold shivers and was making sickly faces as if he was in pain. The only thing to help him out was 3 caps of G which knocked him out in 15 mins. The reason he got these syptoms were because of a tiny peice of cotton goin into hid vein.

Peace out Toronto and the rest of the druggie world.


Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54655
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 20, 2007Views: 46,896
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