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For Severe Depression
Citation:   Alphawoman. "For Severe Depression: An Experience with GBL (exp54756)". Oct 11, 2009.

  repeated oral GBL (liquid)
Summary: Unnerved by my increasing thoughts of suicide because of chronic, severe major depression that was not responding to any legitimate meds (tried 16 in all--Prosac was the only one that ever worked, but it wore off after a few years), I very carefully and slowly tried GBL.

First night: 1 ml, waited a few hours, another 1ml a few hours later--measured with a dropper. Slight mellowing effect, pleasant.

Second-fifth day: 2 ml, 4-5 hour wait, 2 ml again. 2ml is definitely the right doseage for me! Whoa. Euphoric feeling that got me out of myself. Some unpleasant side effects, though.

Cons (over a week time period): I'll tell you, it's a little scary to be drinking a solvent. I could only get myself to do it out of my desperation. It tastes like a solvent-yuck. Don't ever drop the drops straight into your throat! Felt like bleach going down. Put 1ml in at least 8 oz of juice. Felt intellectually foggy, little bit of a weird headache, some really bad nausea at one point. Sweaty skin and some restlessness as the chemical was wearing off. In the mornings I would have some stinging, shock-like sensations on the skin that weren't even quite unpleasant, just very freaky. Didn't sleep well despite all I had heard of it's great sleep-promoting effect.

Pros: I am glad I did it and will do it again if I get that immobilized by my depression again. It gave me a wonderful outlook, I was able to get out of bed, interact with people. I actually enjoyed being awake! I haven't felt sexual in probably five years and I was actually wanting to have sex. It produced euphoria for me, just like I had heard it would, but it was kind of a heavy handed euphoria. My brain felt a little fried afterwards. Honestly, I didn't like it as much as I like Prozac's effects, but it did spring me out of my depression.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54756
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 11, 2009Views: 13,028
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GBL (89) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Health Benefits (32), Depression (15), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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