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Alert, Jittery and Slightly Euphoric
Citation:   Coffee Head. "Alert, Jittery and Slightly Euphoric: An Experience with Caffeine (exp54886)". Feb 1, 2008.

400 mg oral Caffeine (pill / tablet)
  1 cup oral Coffee (liquid)
I was looking for a way to go to school because I skipped school twice in a row due to over-sleeping. While I was at the gas station I saw some No-Doz pills that I heard about online, it had 4 pills and it was roughly $1.25. I bought them and the next day I popped both of them in my mouth and laughed to myself as I swallowed the pills with a cup of coffee. Soon after 30 minutes of ingestion, I started feeling more awake and alert. My hands were trembling a bit and as I was getting to school, the minute bell rang so that means I had 1 minute to get to class or I’ll be marked tardy and sent to a dumb ass room and wait till next period.

So I ran and found that I could run faster and I did not feel any fatigue when I arrived to class. Being more alert than I have ever been in the past years I listened to EVERY, ACHING, ANNOYING word coming out of my teacher's mouth, I was so irritated. I'm always irritable especially from her because she came from teaching 1st graders and I'm a junior so the way she speaks to the class just bugs the shit out of me. I did finish my work faster than ever (with 100% grade) but my handwriting was diminished due to the shaking of my hands.

Then about 2 and a half hours later I felt the effects rapidly vanishing. but I was still very talkative, talking about random stuff which irritated some people. The lift it gave me was incredible but I had a slight headache when I got home and I felt tired.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54886
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 1, 2008Views: 7,756
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Caffeine (11) : General (1), School (35)

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