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My Favorite Social Drug
Citation:   mr. noname. "My Favorite Social Drug: An Experience with Cocaine (exp54890)". Jan 19, 2021.

2 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
Well I've always been curious about doing coke. So I went out with a friend of mine to a club and he happened to offer me a couple of lines. Shocked me cause I didnt know he used it recreationally. It was on him so I just couldnt pass it up. We went out to his car and I was kinda nervous at first about it. Not knowing how I would react to it. But noticing how coke is very well known as a social drug I didnt hesitate. He cut up two nice fat lines for me and even rolled up the dollar. What a friend huh. He handed me the cd case and put the rolled up dollar up to my nostril and looked at it, took a deep breath and said to myself here we go.

Took the first line, stung quite a bit, took the second line and stung the same. After about 5 minutes or so we got out of the car and went back to the club. I will do my best to describe the feeling. At first I feel kinda numb from the rush. My whole mouth and nose numb up. After a couple of mintues I start feeling relaxed, confident, talkative. Like I wanna say a lot of things. Feels like nothing I've ever felt before. What it does is release the feel good chemicals in my brain. And of course after it starts wearing off I want more of it so many people take more to avoid the 'crash'.

Thanks to the supply and demand difference I cant really afford it now. But I will gladly take it next time I get the chance. Its a very popular drug. Mostly people I'm sure use it for the social aspect of it. It sure beats smoking grass for me.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54890
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 19, 2021Views: 1,404
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Cocaine (13) : First Times (2), Club / Bar (25)

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