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Just Remembering, 10 Weeks Later
Clonazepam (Klonopin)
Citation:   Beeteeyem. "Just Remembering, 10 Weeks Later: An Experience with Clonazepam (Klonopin) (exp55031)". Mar 8, 2009.

2.5 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
Okay, I'm going to start with something simple. I am not a drug addict. I smoke cigarettes, occasionally I'll smoke some cannabis when I'm with friends. Once per two months or so is about right. Although, occasionally, I will take pills in order to help me that day. For example, a Ritalin to focus on a class.

A few days before the last day of school earlier this year, I bought two pills from a trusted dealer. Approximately 5 mgs. of Klonopin, a drug that I had tried once before. I had taken a .5 mg. during work, to help me get through the day, after being upset, depressed and angered. It simply made me feel better. But each of the pills I had just inherited was 2.5 mgs.

On the last day of school, I brought a dozen white roses in. I was giving three to this teacher I adored and she adored me, on behalf of my friend and I, apologizing for being assholes during her rookie year. I handed a few more out that day, and I noticed that I had one left. I was to hold onto this one, because it was special, for one girl, K. After I handed out roses to their appropriate owners, I returned to my homeroom with an orange soda, and reached into my pocket.

'What's that?' I remember my friend Alan asking as I popped it in and followed it up with a nice, refreshing drink of orange-ness.

'It's a Klonopin,' I said. I had expected, at that point, that I would just feel good. I had already phoned my father and told him that I'd call him later and have him pick me up early from school, and let me go with my friends. So, all I had to do was attend the awards ceremony, at ten-thirty, and I'd be fine.

About an hour after that, I start to lose my memory. I remember feeling a complete release of all my nervous feelings, all my shyness completely draining away. The first thing I actually remember happening, though, is me following one of my teachers around for about ten minutes, for no reason. He's really cool, probably a stoner, too, but I didn't care. He shot several looks the whole time, and even said, 'What the fuck are you doing?' When he did so, I apologized, and decided to walk away and find someone else to bother. I ended up in another teacher's room, one who really didn't care for me. There were several people in there, one wielding an acoustic guitar. I begged to use it and he finally gave in.

If my memory serves me correctly (and it might not), I remember playing a few requests, then, in the middle of Simple Man or Freebird or something, releasing this fantastic acoustic solo that made everyone turn and look at me. I think I remember now that I was sweating oddly, a nervous sweat, maybe, I don't know. After I finished the solo, I returned back to the chorus of the song, and continued, and got an applause. I finished the song, smiled, waved, and attempted to leave the room. But the teacher didn't like that. So I sat down next to this girl that was impressed by my work. I thanked her for her gratitude, and we began talking about drugs. I told her what I was on, and how I didn't even know what was going on at the time of the solo, and she laughed, saying it was pure talent. Most of what you've already heard was remembered within a couple weeks after this had happened. But the awards show is just now starting to peak in my head.

Later on, we were escorted to the awards show. I sat in the back pavilion area, and watched from above. I don't remember who I was sitting with, but I do remember them calling out one of the perfect attendance awards, and the person not going up. I had tried for PA this year, and started to freak out, thinking that it was me, and it was all an accident. I even considered approaching minutes later, until I was informed that it wasn't me. Also, the highlight of the whole event, was when one of my friends, Kyra, went up on stage, tripped and fell in front of the whole school. It was hilarious, and now that I'm remembering it, a smile is brought to my face, seeing hers smash onto that wooden floor.

After the show, I quickly went to one of the computer rooms, and played for awhile. I e-mailed my mom and told her to have my dad call in to send me home. After several minutes of doing something (I DON'T REMEMBER!!), I heard my name ring over the intercom. I laughed, and danced out of the room, the teacher inside staring at me with a signature 'WHAT THE FUCK' look.

'Where are you going?' He asked.

'They just called my name!' I said innocently. They did. He didn't believe me, go figure. Luckily, one of the others using a computer vouched for me.

'Trust me, that's him.' He said. I smiled and thanked him, then walked to the office. Trying to look as sober as possible, I told them that I was called down, and I was leaving. The secretary waved me on, and I walked to my locker, grabbed my bag, and saw my friend Cindi in the lobby.

'Hey, will you give me a ride to Krystle's?' I remember asking. She told me that was fine, and I walked to her car. As we were getting in, my friend Starkey walked up, and asked if he could tag along. Still holding my rose, I jumped in the backseat, not wanting to fight for shotgun. I believe we stopped at our work, McDonald's, but I'm not sure. I sat in the back of the car and smoked a cigarette, waiting for Cindi to come back. When she did, we continued on our long drive out.

As we were going, I recognized not a bit of where I was, but continued to look outside. I was told a few weeks afterward that Starkey had been telling Cindi about his supposed 'daughter'. I knew about this already, but him releasing this information to others was a bit shocking. Nonetheless, my focus was outside. Trees moved in a slow-to-fast-to-slow motion, staggering in speed and length of such.

Finally, we arrived at K's house, and I knocked on the door. Nothing. I knocked harder, louder, faster, stronger. Still nothing. So I found a piece of paper and wrote her a short message, and left the rose on the door. That was supposed to be the end of my day, drive out to my house, probably sleep, and that's it.

Instead, I decided that it would be a good time to visit my just-out-of-surgery friend, Heather. We stopped by her house and I sat down in her living room, just to find out that she wasn't around. She'd 'be back soon'. We waited around, while her grandmother talked to us about... something. She finally arrived, I talked to her, and wished her my best, and then, Cindi took me home.

When home, I sat around, until I received a call. It was my idiotic friend, Austin. By now, I was starting to feel a bit better, I was a little light-headed, but I still had the fast-to-slow-motion effect going on. Austin decided that he was going to bring a friend up, and I agreed, as long as they were out by a certain time. Several minutes later, they were there, and my brother was doing dishes, for some reason. They walked in, sat on my couch, and we were talking for awhile, until Austin and this girl, Jaime, started making out on my couch. The fast-to-slow-motion was suddenly gone, but now, I was hit with an incredibly-uncontrollable arousal.

Jaime finally quit, and Austin said something so incredibly stupid and offending, that she came over to me. We made out for a few minutes before I stood up, and offered to take her up to my parents bedroom. I don't remember what happened after that, but I was told (by many others) that I took her up there, where she proceeded to give me a blow job, hand job, and let me tit-fuck her. Why I did this, I don't know. After awhile, Austin stormed out, and she left. I was informed later that she was crying about it, having just broken up with her boyfriend hours before. After that, I don't remember, because it involved my family, and I'm afraid to ask.

All-in-all, the effects were complete lack of anxiety, I suppose you would say, alterations in time and experiences in time, and an uncontrollable horniness. Also, a dwindling memory of the events that took place in this long high.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55031
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 8, 2009Views: 55,901
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : General (1), School (35)

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