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Doorway to the Inconceivable
Salvia divinorum (20X Extract)
Citation:   abyssalmind. "Doorway to the Inconceivable: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20X Extract) (exp55042)". May 15, 2020.

  smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
NO Matter what anybody says, Salvia is not to be taken for granite and seen as just another herb like ghanja. It is a doorway to any and all demensions other than this one, and after doing 20x salvia, which is the highest extract I could buy at my local smoke shop, 7 times in one mind is now open. Although during times now when I'm sober I experience wierd sometimes awkward things, such as people sitting in empty cars, cars driving themselves, people following me, and the random occurances of time travel, yea thats right... time travel, but I can explain it...I'll be standing on one side of the room starring off at the other side of the room, and before I know it I'm over to that side of the room. Of course I walked, but I was in somewhat of an awakened comatose state.

Once I took a HUGE bong rip of pure 20x salvia I knew I would be in for a ride. The rush of gravity overcame my body and it felt like a another wall was comming out of the wall pushing me to the left. It felt like I was on a conveyer belt. I couldn't move and I could only see, in focus, the air conditioning unit in front of me, and no matter where I moved my head I would still see that unit. After 6-9 minutes the trip was done and I ended up in my room after ripping my shirt off from 'the pricklies,' I won't explain the pricklies...

My friends and I do salvia a little different than most people. Most will sit in a dark room with low volume music playing. For us, one person will do it sitting in a circle with about 6 more people, and put on a show for the rest of us, for the one on salvia doesn't know that everybody is watching them, but they can feel the observers eyes etching their skin.

The first thing I feel is a feeling of 'oh wow here it comes' as a wave of gravity hits me and pins me to my spot. sometimes tunnel vision and spinning objects will occure, but most of the time I just feel lost and fake, like I'm made up. It takes my mind to new places and I come out of it a different person, but not in a bad way. Go with it, I NEVER try to fight it as my mind and this reality will collide with that of the salvia and I can go crazy for a few minutes. It's like having the battle of Troy in my head, and Salvia is a untainted all powerful achilles playing both sides. I do not usually do salvia alone unless I'm laying in bed ready to go to sleep, this method will give you the craziest dreams ever.

After viewing my friends on Salvia, everybody reacts differently. Some can't handle it and moan or screach, But most will just laugh and giggle like little children. As the trip gets more intence the laughter stops and this is where most people will try to fight it, cuz trust me...nobody knows what they're getting into before they try it, I've seen people turn into mush and become completely unresponsive to anything anybody says or does. I've seen people knock over an entire living room just to get their balance, DON'T TRY TO WALK AROUND, you'll just make it worse. I've seen people take salvia and then sleep for 14 hours. Try it, just don't resist it's power, let it take you to the end of your mind, because coming back to this world is innevitable, nobody has died or been seriously injured on Salvia, and it has it's own way to make sure people don't get addicted to it, so don't worry about that, just make sure there is one sober person in the room while you do it. Have fun!

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55042
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 15, 2020Views: 709
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Salvia divinorum (44), Dreams (85) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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