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Beautiful and Seductive
Citation:   Benjamin. "Beautiful and Seductive: An Experience with Cocaine (exp55124)". Mar 10, 2018.

  repeated insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
About a month ago, a friend told me that he had two grams of high-quality cocaine. I had never done cocaine, and was curious, so I bought both grams and went home.

That night, I waited until my parents went to sleep, locked the door to my room, dumped the cocaine onto a mirror, and cut the chunks into a fine powder. Through that night and into the following morning, I experienced an overwhelming sense of euphoria and well-being. I went through it all, line by euphoric line. I had found my new favorite drug.

Since then, I have bought cocaine in various amounts, from half grams to half ounces. Before cocaine, I would do many different drugs within a month. Now, I only do cocaine.

It would probably be somewhat accurate to say that I am addicted to cocaine, at least psychologically. I don't have a constant burning desire for it, nor do I spend all of my time trying to find it, but at least two or three days a week, I find myself nose-down in the powder. Saying that I am addicted doesn't seem like too harsh a statement now, though. I have enough money to support this kind of habit, and contrary to the experiences of many, even frequent use has not made my life hell.

Much the opposite, in fact. Of course, I am immensely overjoyed when I am on cocaine. The come-down, while sometimes harsh and depressing, is always short for me, allowing me to sleep within an hour. My time spent in sobriety has been profoundly uplifted. I always find myself full of energy, and I have been in a nearly constant good mood since I started regularly using cocaine. That is definitely preferable to before cocaine, when my mood was split between not-so-bad, detached from reality, and heavily depressed.

My experience with cocaine has thus far been the reply to those who contend that is too short-lived, leaving behind only depression and cravings. Using cocaine has improved my life, and I hope that it continues to do so.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55124
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 10, 2018Views: 1,051
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Cocaine (13) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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