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My Guardian Force
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Divalion. "My Guardian Force: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp5514)". Jan 17, 2002.

500 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (leaves)
Salvia experiences are difficult to describe. For one thing, they vary so much from person to person, so I'd venture to say its not a good idea to build up expectations based on the experiences of others. The other big thing is that the salvia state of mind is so abstracted from reality that it seems like a dream long past now. But I do remember some details and feelings that I had.

Earlier today I finally received my long anticipated package of salvia. This was to be my second salvia experience, the first one being far too overwhelming to put into words.

First I put on Kruder and Dorfmeister on and dimmed the lights. picked out two of the larger and nicer looking leaves, grabbed my bong, and sat down in my bathroom. I loaded up the bowl and proceded to take a *giant* rip. My bong is a 3.5 footer, so it basically takes a whole bowl to fill it. I had to force myself to resist the bitter smoke and hold it in as I packed the second bowl. I exhaled and lit up another. I took a second hit and immediately began coughing and spitting all over myself. I dropped the bong and ran to rinse the fowlness out of my mouth. It tasted as if a pen had burst in my mouth. I was on the verge of panic, because I was all alone.

Suddenly I sensed a presence in the room with me, and I felt as if a nurse was telling me that it was just my imagination; that everything was okay. I instantly felt better. The nurse presence continued to help me out, telling me to drink some water and pick up my bong. She made me smile. After that she told me to get out of the bathroom and go paint. I walked into my room and plopped onto the familiar and friendly floor. The music was just a part of my mind, helping me function and telling me what to paint. The whole time I painted I could feel the presence of the nurse, sitting on my bed, watching me and smiling.

Anyway, I have gained a lot more respect for this drug. It is not something to be taken with a grain of salt, but it definitely should not be ignored. It is powerful but peaceful; detached but comfortable. I am still not sure if I was really choking on the smoke or simply hallucinating. Its not really as harsh as some people make it out to be, just somewhat bitter.

In conclusion, this drug helped me gain spiritual insight, (not to mention helped me paint something beautiful).

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5514
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 17, 2002Views: 8,209
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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