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Retreating To The Far Reaches Of The Brain
Citation:   tamade. "Retreating To The Far Reaches Of The Brain: An Experience with Ketamine (exp55149)". Oct 24, 2017.

  insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
(setting) I don't know if any of you that might read this report have ever seen the TV show 'Teaching in Taiwan', but this is basically the situation that I am in. I am currently situated on the largest land mass in Asia, teaching english to people from the age of 5 - 45. This country is full of mystical beauty, but underneath lies a cancer that is eating up the youth, like what happened some time before, but on a mind expanding level. If I was asked what this country is like, I would equate it to the late 1950's in America, there is a new sort of revolution on the horizon. One of self exploration.

My experience started when my room mate and I made our weekly journey to the local night club, to innocently bang down a couple of brews and mix with the locals, when our friend (The foreign guest manager of the club) invited us to his apartment to party it up with a few other friends. Of course we accepted and eagerly went on our journey to see our other foreign friends (It is quite rare to see a white face here.) We ended up outside eating Hot Pot, until 4:00 in the morning.

Eventually our friend Lao Tsai brought up the topic of Horse tranquilizer and gingerly asked us if we would partake. I had never tried this substance before so I eagerly accepted, my room mate as well.

We made our journey to his house, and emptied out the bag on the table, where he cut it up like an expert. We each took about 6 large lines (I don't know the measurement in mg), they were gone in 10 minutes and we were sitting waiting for the effects while watching Ali-G and smoking some hash.

five minutes later while talking to some American guys, I wondered why my room mate had not said a word for ages. He had a blank expression on his face which made him appear as though he was a shell, and the soul that once filled his eyes had retraced to the far reaches of his brain, like a tendon that had been snapped. I wondered what was going on in his brain as well as what was to happen to me, when it hit me like a freight tran.

My conciousness was disoriented and a feeling like some sort of energy was slowly seeping out the pores on the top of my head followed. My mind, like the one of my room mates recoiled in horror, as my body no longer followed its commands without a delay time of around 2 seconds.

I have never taken a disassociative before, but I must say it is intriguing... on a whole new level. There was no visuals per say, but I had a strange feeling of looking through a TV.

About 20 minutes into the trip I realised that I had entered a K-hole, and was staring at the floor for the whole time, I decided to look up and noticed EVERYONE in the room was doing the same. Some waving their hands infront of their faces, others completely tranquilized into a state of complete emptiness.My room mate looked up at me and said in a shaky voice 'What are you going to do with that after you eat it?' but, could not string a single sentence together to offer a response if it meant life or death. There was no mystical revolution as people had reported before, and I know for a fact that I had taken a large amount.

Equating it to anything else... I would have to say that it is most similar to drinking a full bottle of vodka,without the nasty side effects of sickness,but that is not a saving grace by any means, as I found it nearly impossible to avert my attention on the floor.

The trip was done, and we stumbled home at around 9:00 in the morning feeling and walking like zombies.

Since the experience I have realised I do not think it is the drug's effects that attracts the people of this country, but rather that it is percieved as cool to snort a white powder. In a country like this everythig is based on money,the more money you have, the more women you get, the more women you get, the more successful you are percieved as.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55149
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 24, 2017Views: 1,152
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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