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Journey to the Unknown
Citation:   Timmy. "Journey to the Unknown: An Experience with 2C-I (exp55169)". Mar 6, 2009.

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140 mg oral 2C-I
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]

Let it be known that I am very well experienced in the Hallucinogenic Category and am no amateur with hallucinogens or any of the alphabet drugs that are out there ( the 2C analog's ).

Some friends and I had aquired 500 MG of pure 99% 2C-I from a very trusted source. We decided to measure out the doses by 20 MG by adding 25 fluid ounces of water into a bottle and then dropping the 2C-I powder into the water and dissolving the chemical in the water and we planned to distribute a fluid ounce out as a dose which would be 20 MG in each FL OZ (30 ML).

Stomach contents: We fasted for a good 5 hours, but when the chemical was in our system, we decided to drink a lot of orange juice (vitamin C) and eat a few small things just to have something in our stomachs.

Me and my friends are also very experienced with this drug, we actually wanted to see what would happen if this much of the chemical was ingested, we had seen no reports above 70 MG so we decided to take one for the team just to see what would happen. Our highest level dose at the time was 70 MG and after learning on the effect it gives to the body rather than the mind, we knew we'd be okay to take 140 MG to do our own little research.

Me and two friends drank 20 MG each. An hour later, upon feeling the onset, we drank another 20 MG. 20 MINS later we were tripping, visuals, the whole sha-bang, which we thought would be the perfect time to drink another, so we each drank another 20 MG, at this time our current amount is at 60 MG and were trippin pretty good. Another 20 mins passes and we drink another 20 MG, therefore taking our current level to 80 MG. Time is starting to have a weird effect, it seems to go so slow but then all a sudden go quickly, so when we thought another 20 mins passed, we drank another 20 MG, but in all reality, only about 5 mins had passed, we didn't realize this until after we realized only one song had played since our last dose. Were currently at 100 MG and wow. The only word to describe the feeling is ZANG. Complete ZANG. The body buzz reminds me of taking about 3 or 4 hits or some good sid and the visuals are so different, it's definatly a different kind of trip, like combining shrooms laughter and body buzz with acid visuals. Were almost 2 and a half hours into it so we decide to spark up a couple bowls. The weed we had really wasn't all that great but damn, it sure kicked in the hell of a body buzz for me and by the looks on my friends faces, they were definatly feeling a little somethin too. The only way to describe the feelings is like a tiny needle starting all the way at top of your head that slowly goes throughout your whole body when smoking weed. And I know needles are sharp but it still felt really cool, definatly a knew kind of body buzz when it comes to hallucinogens. After we smoked another bowl, we sat back and relaxed for about an hour and listened to some music. One thing I noticed is that music really doesn't have much of an effect as with Mushrooms or Acid, I mean it's still cool as hell to listen to when your trippin balls but music definatly doesn't enhance the experience in the least. Were about 3 1/2 hours into it and we dose again, another 20 MG, taking our current level to 120 MG, we decided not to take any more until another hour later cause we wanted to make sure we didn't feel sick in the least before taking any more. About 40 mins go by and were definatly feeling the last dose, and its hittin us pretty damn hard but still, we dont feel sick in the least, were trippin balls. Were tripping so hard that I actually see Saddam Hussein. Yeah thats right, Saddam Hussein. My sheets on my wall turned into him. Yeah.. Anyways, after conversing with Saddam for a few minutes, we dosed up again. Another 20 MG, taking our current level to 140 MG. We then decided to not ingest anymore for the rest of the night because ya know, it IS a research chemical and we felt that we had dosed all the research we needed to for one experience.
The experience lasted about 14 hours in all ( at least for me cause I crashed after 14 hours ), my friends stayed up for another 6 or 7 hours. It was almost impossible to fall asleep, especially when your so called friends wanna shoot nerf guns at you when your sleeping. But fuck it, were all trippin balls so whats it matter. So I'm sitting in my room in complete darkness and I look over to my shirts that are hanging up and I'm like WTF... my shirts are dancing. They were literally dancing, they kept morphing into the other shirts and literally, started to dance. My ceiling is all wood and it looks like one big wood ocean... thats the best way to describe that visual and I have sheets that are hanging up in my wall ( sheets instead of walls ) , and they were breathing pretty good. Definatly IMPOSSIBLE to fall asleep when all this shits goin on around you and you can't help but notice all the beautiful visuals. Closed eye visuals are amazing, I see vivid memories of past events, definatly a cool drug when it comes to closed eye visuals. But that was also what made it so fuckin impossible to sleep. I can still remember the dreams I was having, I even had a dream about the time I lost my virginity when I was 16 to two badass girls and its like I'm actually there again. Sleep is best described as you know your asleep, but you also feel so awake in your dreams. I slept for a good 12 hours and woke up and didn't feel bad (body wise) in the least, but I definatly wanted to get some food in my system so I munched down on a shitload of food. My friends said they woke up with tripping goggles but I didn't, prolly because I slept longer.
Overall, the experience was insane, we actually felt pretty stupid for ingesting such a high amount, but we did it mainly just for research reasons, not to get fucked up. But I'd definatly do it again. It was a GREAT experience, But I definatly do not reccomend ingesting that much in an enviroment that your not familiar with, may be a little to intense for some. Definatly have a couple tripping buddies with you during your experience. Cheers to all!

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55169
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 6, 2009Views: 573
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2C-I (172) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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