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Metaphorically Melting Flesh
by lol
Citation:   lol. "Metaphorically Melting Flesh: An Experience with LSD (exp55337)". Jan 9, 2018.

4 hits   LSD (blotter / tab)
I have taken acid only twice before this trip. Later that day I have obtained 5 hits from a friend, he said they were very strong. That night I decided to take 4 of the 5 I had, I wanted to go over and beyond. I put them in my mouth and noticed I could actually taste a slight chemical taste as I chewed on them. I then sat back on my bed and waited for my trip to begin.

> 20 min later: getting board and so I start reading.

> 40 min later: start feeling my jaws get tense and teeth feel - somehow different.

> 60 min later: feel jolts of energy run through my body and notice slight close eye visuals and also slight open eye

> 80 min later: heavy closed eye visuals and notice my shades and carpet spiraling and flash colors, music sounds different somehow.

100 min later: started drawing on poster board but then noticed that the sides of the board started to bubble up and start smoking. I found that my lamp was giving off intense heat and my room felt like a oven.

120 min later: cat jumps on my bed and his hair starts to singe as he gets closer to the light. I picked up my glass of water and found I could not drink out of it because the water was boiling be fore my eyes! By this time I saw my bed start to smoke. And my arm start to bubble up a bit.

125 min later: as I reach to turn off my lamp my fingers start to melt and drops of flesh spash on the carpet. I get scared and sit back on my bed realizing that my toes are metaphorically catching fire and as well start to melt off my foot. By this time the hair on my legs are totally gone and my bed catches on fire! I lay down again and this time have my legs off my bed extended straight out to watch my toes. Then notice my knee cap bubles up and catches on fire. About 4 to 5 min after watching this my leg melts off my thigh it drops but I don't hear it hit the ground. I don't remember much after this but I remember I tripped for about 6 or 7 hours.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55337
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 9, 2018Views: 1,043
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LSD (2) : General (1), Alone (16)

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