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Mild Effects, Strange Coincidence
Morning Glory (flowers)
Citation:   The_Aviator. "Mild Effects, Strange Coincidence: An Experience with Morning Glory (flowers) (exp55425)". Jul 10, 2007.

2 flowers oral Morning Glory (fresh)
One Night a few friends of mine and I decided to try morning glory seeds seeing as how it was completely legal. Well we had been planning for a while but by the time we headed into to town to buy the seeds we could only find one shop that had them for sale and it was closed. We could actually see the packets through the glass door, just sitting there waiting to be eaten. After hitting up eight different shops we decided to head home, call it a night.

As we were heading back my friend said 'Don't ask any questions, turn here.' We went onto a back road and he showed us the place where he had his car wreck. He was telling us how the paramedics were suprised that anybody in the vehicle lived, and lo and behold on the exact spot where his car had come to rest there was a morning glory vine with two white flowers on it. Trippy isn't it? We grok over this for a while and head back, flowers in tow.

I wasnt expecting much and what I got was little more than what I would get from smoking copious amounts of marijuana. It took about thirty minutes to reach its peak and lasted thirty minutes after that. Things looked distorted slightly and I laughed more easily. Oh yeah and I thought that a stuffed tiger was a real kitten.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55425
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 10, 2007Views: 1,516
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Morning Glory (38) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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